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SBL-UIF-00229: Error occurred while opening file '%1'


Siebel Tools - Version 8.1.1 [21112] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Error Message Area:UI Framework - UIF
Version:Siebel 8.1.1 and later
Checked for Relevance on **Oct 10 2013**


This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-UIF-00229: Error occurred while opening file '%1'.


This document is informational and intended for any user.



Unable to open the file attachment in the Siebel file system.

Corrective Action

Ask the Siebel Administrator to check the Siebel file system folder and file attributes. The folder is specified by the FileSystem parameter in the configuration file (i.e. uagent.cfg).


Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager - Version [15252] to SIA [23030] [Release V7 to V8]
Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-987864251.
***Checked for relevance on 30-May-2014***


When an EIM job run to load an attachment, the following error appear:


This issue has been caused by missing file system and its sub-directories.


Customer was running an EIM job to load attachments and received the following error:

“Error 420: Sub-process "Insert Att" failed to execute”
“Error in AttCopyExternal (UTLZipCompress)”

While loading the attachments through EIM, please review the following:
1) The attachments exist in the correct directory (Default: <Siebel Home>\Input directory).
2) The File System has been created.

In this case we found that the File System had not been created. Once the File System was created, the EIM load completed successfully.
Information regarding creating the File System can be found in the Bookshelf, Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX, Creating a File System.


Siebel Email Response - Version [23021] to SIA [23021] [Release V8]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When attempting to send an Outbound Request from a workflow the email is sent, but Siebel fails to create the corresponding Email - Outbound activity record and the following error occurs in CommOutboundMgr component log:
ObjMgrBusCompLog    Error    1    00000004520a11a4:0    2013-08-13 05:04:08    (bcactivity.cpp (9689)) SBL-UIF-00229: Error occurred while opening file ''.
The issue only happens to particular email template that has a template item with more than 16KB. The Outbound Request in Site Map >Administration - Communications> Outbound Request Overview show the following status : "Imcompleted" and  status message: "Sent 0 out of 0 messages. Error occurred while opening file ''.(SBL-UIF-00229)" .
Also there are several Siebel Server running Communications Outbound Manager some execute the Outbound Request without any problems, some give the error above.


The problem could be reproduced internally and the root cause was a missing folder in Siebel Server Root Folder/BIN called outgoing on some Siebel Servers.

When you install Siebel there is no siebsrvr/bin/outgoing folder. This is created when the Communications Outbound Manager Business Services executed a SendMessage method for example a F9 operation or Reply to an inbound email.

But when you execute an Outbound Request with an email with more then 16KB of size it will create a temporary file on siebsrvr/bin/outgoing folder. This file will be used to create the Email - Outbound activity record with an attachment with name SiebelEmailLong.html. Now if the Siebel Server executing the Outboud Request do not have the siebsrvr/bin/outgoing folder already created the outbound request will fail since it expected the folder to exist.



BUG:17276565 - OUTBOUND REQUEST FAIL WITH SBL-UIF-00229 WHEN OUTGOING FOLDER IS NOT PRESENT to address this behavior since we can consistently reproduce the issue internally.
As a workaround go to Siebel Server Root Folder/BIN and create a folder called outgoing.

This should be done on all Siebel Servers that run CommOutboundMgr component and in the Siebel Server where Outbound Communications Manager Business Services is called with argument ProcessMode=Local.
At this point in time the above bug has not been guiven the engineering solution for the current version, please apply the workaround and ontatct Technicall Support for more information on that matter.

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