Applies to:
Siebel Remote - Version 8.0 [20405] and laterInformation in this document applies to any platform.
Database Extract (DbXtract) tasks fail with errors. Reviewing detailed DbXtract*.log file following errors/messages can be noticed:GenericLog GenericError 1 000000084b553068:0 2010-01-20 10:00:34 Unable to find node in database
GenericLog GenericError 1 000000084b553068:0 2010-01-20 10:00:35 Message: Internal error occurred in a procedure., Additional Message: Updated 0 rows
Trace TracingInfo 3 000000084b553068:0 2010-01-20 10:00:35 UTLNodeSetRouteActive
Trace TracingInfo 3 000000084b553068:0 2010-01-20 10:00:35 Error while processing client "SADMIN". Results may be incomplete.
Trace TracingInfo 3 000000084b553068:0 2010-01-20 10:00:35 Unable to find node in database
Trace TracingInfo 3 000000084b553068:0 2010-01-20 10:00:37 ERROR: 1 client(s) failed with errors, 0 client(s) successful
GenericLog GenericError 1 000000084b553068:0 2010-01-20 10:00:37 (smisched.cpp (894) err=1376333 sys=0) SBL-SMI-00077: Component error, see the trace file for more information
SBL-SMI-00077 is just a generic message that suggests the real cause of problem should be searched elsewhere in log ."Unable to find node in database" error can be explained by fact that Mobile Web Client user attempted to be extracted (SADMIN in this example) was not defined properly.
This can be checked by inspecting Administration - Siebel Remote > Mobile Clients screen. Or alternately, by querying table S_NODE for the list of existing / active mobile clients:
select * from SIEBEL.S_NODE where NODE_TYPE_CD = 'REMOTE' and NAME='[user_name]' and EFF_END_DT is NULL;
In case there are no records there, as per details in Siebel Bookshelf - Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide > Setting Up Mobile Web Clients > "Registering a Mobile Web Client" - these steps should be applied before attempting to extract the Mobile user.Applies to:
Siebel Remote - Version: 7.5.2 [15051] to 8.1.1 [21112] - Release: V7 to V8Information in this document applies to any platform.
When trying to extract a mobile users' database, DbXtract task failed with error message:"SBL-SMI-00077: Component error, see the trace file for more information"
This is only a generic error message - as it indicates, the real cause for the failure should be searched somewhere else in the corresponding task log file (DbXtract_*.log) on server.
In this case, even if some time ago extracting databases for users worked fine in same environment, now this error appears for any mobile client attempted.
To gather more details, event log levels for DbXtract component should increased by using srvrmgr command line utility, running these commands (in this order, one by one):
srvrmgr> change evtloglvl %=5 for comp dbxtract
srvrmgr> change evtloglvl sql%=1 for comp dbxtract
srvrmgr> change evtloglvl sqlparse%=4 for comp dbxtract
(Please remember to revert to previous or default logging levels - i.e. "... evtloglvl %=1 ..." once troubleshooting DbXtract is no longer required to avoid log files growing excessively).
>>From detailed DBXtract log the root cause for these errors was:
DBXTRACT: File "/siebel/xxxxxxxx/siebsrvr/sqltempl/dbxlogin.sql" not found.
Script file dbxlogin.sql (along with some others from same location - sqltempl directory) is a required file that is used as "template" for database extracts and other server tasks.
One should check for the file/directory presence. That proved indeed file was missing in this case.
To avoid re-installation of whole server environment, if only one file might be found missing, this directory contents from this environment can be compared with the same on another machine with EXACT same Siebel product version installed (!) where DbXtract works fine and copy that file from here.
In case such a "working" environment is not available, the only solution would be to re-install the Siebel server.
Please note is advisable to only copy the file(s) that are proved to be missing; do not overwrite the complete directory contents - there might be cases of customers who have been provided in past with modified comdb*.sql file from Oracle | Siebel Technical Support or Expert Services for various other purposes; if that may be the case, these files should not be overwritten.
DbXtract task should complete fine afterwards.
Applies to:
Siebel Anywhere - Version: [16183] and later [Release: V7 and later ]Siebel Remote - Version: [16183] and later [Release: V7 and later]
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [16183]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4
Database Server OS: HP-UX 11.0
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1770683217.
We are extracting everyone. We used a notepad file to export everyone. Now Database extract says exited with error. The reason being there were three client names that were not valid mobile users. Did all of our 150 valid mobile user go through okay? How can I check? Please see the urgency of this because our production system is now shut down.Cause
Enhancement Request 12-TBTZAVSolution
Message 1
For the benefit of others:Valid nodes were extracted successfully. DbXtract log reported errors on failed clients, but did not provide information on valid users. We verified that .UAF, .DAT and .TOC files were created under the users' outboxes and the mobile clients were initialized successfully.
Technical Support reproduces this behavior inhouse. When running dbxtract for multiple users, if there is an invalid node name in the list of mobile users, the task status on the UI will show 'SBL-SMI-00077: Component error, see the trace file for more information' eventhough valid nodes were actually extracted successfully.
Enhancement Request 12-TBTZAV was raised to have a more meaningful message on the UI. For example, in this case it would be better if the task status reads "147 users extracted successfully, 3 users not extracted".
As always, please note that all Change Requests are reviewed, prioritized and possibly fixed in future releases.
Applies to:
Siebel Remote - Version: SIA[20440] and later [Release: V8 and later ]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Product Release: V8
Database: Oracle Server
Application Server OS: All Supported
Database Server OS: All Supported
Siebel Remote: Database Extract (DbXtract) task fails with generic SBL-SMI-00077 error (that indicates relevant error is somewhere else in the log file) and the relevant error being Oracle RDBMS one:
[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle driver][Oracle]ORA-29275: partial multibyte character
Detailed logging level DbXtract_*.log files would look like:
(note that base table involved or variables' values may vary - could be other than S_CONTACT or those listed in this example)
SQLError Statement 0 000000074f561360:0 2012-03-07 10:34:15 SQL Statement:
select mtx.*
where di.NODE_ID = '1-7LIVG'
and di.DOCK_NAME = 'PTY-C'
and di.PR_TBL_ROW_ID = mtx.PAR_ROW_ID
and di.VIS_STRENGTH >= 25
DBCLog DBCLogError 1 000000074f561360:0 2012-03-07 10:34:15 [DataDirect][ODBC Oracle driver][Oracle]ORA-29275: partial multibyte character
Trace TracingInfo 3 000000074f561360:0 2012-03-07 10:34:15 DBXTRACT: Database returned error.
Trace TracingInfo 3 000000074f561360:0 2012-03-07 10:34:15 S1000: [DataDirect][ODBC Oracle driver][Oracle]ORA-29275: partial multibyte character
"ORA-29275: partial multibyte character"It seems there may be some char data in table that are not AL32UTF8 encoded - or respecting DB's characterset parameters.
Problem was identified as only occurring when using Oracle Client 11g version; it would not occur with 10g client installed on same Siebel Remote server.
Based on current Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms (SR&SP) documentation, for Siebel 8.0 version the supported client Connectivity Software is "Oracle 10g client and Data Direct ODBC Driver 5.0".
It it important to ensure that Oracle Client installed on Siebel Servers comply with most recent SR&SP document for respective Siebel product version.
In case despite running on a supported platform same error would occur, following these steps may help troubleshooting that:
1- Check and confirm the exact versions of Oracle RDBMS server and client versions used - for instance from Siebel server, start a SQL*Plus session from cmd prompt and connect to DB (as SADMIN, Siebel table owner or any other valid DB account).
Upon successful connection that should show exact version details of both Oracle client and server DB.
2- Check and ensure following entries are correctly set in the ODBC DSN used for Siebel Server:
These should be defined in:
- for Windows systems: in registry under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBC.INI\($EnterpriseName)_DSN]
- for Unix systems: in file $SIEBEL_HOME/sys/.odbc.ini - under section [($EnterpriseName)_DSN].
3- Finally, by running previously identified query from DbXtract log may not return any results or ORA-29275 error if after hitting that, the "Part 4: Deleting from temporary tables" of extract - cleanup still happens, so S_DOCK_INITM_nn table would be empty.
So following approach should be used to determine if there is data in S_CONTACT table that would have wrong multibyte encoding:
3.a) Check first how many records there are in that base table:
3.b) Based on actual size, one can determine how to break up the selects. For example, if above count returns 100K, two queries could be run: one for 1 to 50K rows and the other for the second half. Once found the half that returns the ORA-29275 error, then start breaking that in half and so on...
SELECT * FROM S_CONTACT WHERE rownum > 1 AND rownum < 1000;
SELECT * FROM S_CONTACT WHERE rownum > 999 AND rownum < 2000;
This should help determining where the problem record(s) may be. Above generic approach could be automated by writing a small PL/SQL program especially for high cardinality tables.
Alternately a separate SR may be logged with Oracle RDBMS team to assist in identifying that(those) record(s) .
And once identified those rows could be updated (from UI or using EIM, scripting) to eliminate any suspect character(s) causing the error followed by retrying the DbXtract task.
NOTE:788156.1 - AL32UTF8 / UTF8 (Unicode) Database Character Set ImplicationsNOTE:477174.1 - Database Extract 7.x and 8.x Performance Troubleshooting
NOTE:781927.1 - Performance Tuning Guidelines for Siebel CRM Application on Oracle Database

Applies to:
Siebel Remote - Version:[18393] to 8.1 [21039] - Release: V7 to V8Information in this document applies to any platform.
Database Extract (DbXtract) task may fail while extracting a mobile user with following errors:[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle driver][Oracle]ORA-00904: "PRIMARY_TABLE"."X_custom_column": invalid identifier
Error while writing to file "" for target client "USERNAME".
SBL-SMI-00077: Component error, see the trace file for more information
With detailed logging levels in place for DbXtract component (as per details in Note 477125.1):
srvrmgr> change evtloglvl %=5 for comp DbXtract
srvrmgr> change evtloglvl sql%=1 for comp DbXtract
srvrmgr> change evtloglvl sqlparse%=4 for comp DbXtract
resulted logs will include information helping determine exact table name that caused this error ("PRIMARY_TABLE" - above is only its alias)
Note that for other RDBMS platforms used (MS SQL Server or IBM DB2), database error code and ODBC details would be of course different, but the other error lines would be identical:
- for instance in case of SQL Server:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid column name 'X_custom_column'.
Error while writing to file "" for target client "USERNAME".
SBL-SMI-00077: Component error, see the trace file for more information
Recent configuration changes in Siebel Tools on Table object(s) identified in detailed log - custom extension tables (CX_*), custom extention columns for standard base tables (X_*).Cause
Relevant error in this case ("ORA-00904: [table].[column] : invalid identifier") is caused by:1- Invalid definition(s) for these object(s) - Table custom Extension Column(s) in Siebel Repository
2- Discrepancy between server's dictionary file (diccache.dat) and Repository information.
Existence of custom extension column ("X_custom_column" in this example) should be checked for that Siebel base table. Then should be verified same column was created at physical database level by using DBA specific commands appropriate for each RDBMS used (i.e. for Oracle's case: "DESC [table_name]" command from a sqlplus, SQLDeveloper or other similar tool).
After ensuring those exists, following steps should be applied:
1- Apply/Activate changes made in Tools on table objects,
2- stop Siebel Server service;
3- find and delete/move any dic*.dat file found under [Siebel_server_root] directory - please refer to Related Note: "Why is there a dicdata.dat and a diccache.dat file? (Doc ID 475633.1)" for additional details on these files;
4- restart Siebel service - diccache.dat file should be re-created in [Siebel_server_root]\bin\;
5- run again a "Generate New Database Template" (GenNewDb) task on server (this is mandatory if schema changes were applied since the database Schema Version would be increased!);
6- re-extract (DbXtract) mobile users' database and check this completes fine.
NOTE:475633.1 - Why is there a dicdata.dat and a diccache.dat file?NOTE:477125.1 - How can users enable component tracing for the Database Extract component and read the log files in Siebel versions 7.x?
Applies to:
Siebel Remote Server - Version: [16183] to 8.1 [21039] - Release: V7 to V8IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.5.3 [16157] FIN
Database: IBM DB2 7.2 FixPack 3SA
Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.1
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.1
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1182262661.
SBL-SMI-00077We are receiving the below error when running the Database Extract component, for creating local databases for our developers. The database connect parameters for the component seem to be ok (user, pwd, ODBC name, table owner, table owner pwd). Please let us know what further information we can provide.SBL-DCK-00164: Error connecting to datasource (null) ((null))
Thank you.
This behavior occurred when the mobile client extracted did not have a corresponding employee record. This was because the employee record has been deleted.Solution
Message 1
For the benefits of other customers, the Database Extract component was erroring out withTarget client "SYDGCML" does not have any valid employees.
SBL-SMI-00077: Component error, see the trace file for more information
This behavior occurred when the mobile client extracted did not have a corresponding employee record. This was because the employee record has been deleted.
This behavior is resolved by clearing out the mobile client records manually. The steps for this are provided by Siebel Technical Support.
Change Request 12-JNNQK7 has been raised to request for a check when an employee record is being deleted such that it would deactivate and delete the corresponding mobile client when the employee record is deleted.
If you encounter this behavior, please raise a Service Request with Siebel Technical Support quoting this Service Request.
Thank you.
Applies to:
Siebel Remote Server - Version: [16199] to 8.1 [21039] - Release: V7 to V8Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [16084]
Database: IBM DB2/UDB 7.2
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.8
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.8
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1069781561.
SBL-SMI-00077We had installed our pre-production environment without problems, but when we tried a Database Extract we have the following error:Final code = 2100077
Finish information = SMI-00077: Error del componente; consulte el archivo de seguimiento para obtener más información.
I ran the Generate New Database process with no problems.
I am attaching the "DbXtract_16461.log" file; in this file I found the following message:
[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/SUN] SQL0440N No function by the name "NEXTSEQ" having compatible arguments was found in the function path. SQLSTATE=42884
This message occurs when the user is doing an upgrade process, but I am installing a new environment.
Do you have any idea how can I solve this issue?
Thanks in advance.
Database specific issueSolution
Message 1
For the benefit of other users:Customer installed their pre-production environment without problems, but when they tried to perform a Database Extract, they received following error:
“Finish information = SMI-00077: Error del componente; consulte el archivo de seguimiento para obtener más información.”
The main error message found in the DbXtract*.log file is as follows:
‘SQL0440N No function by the name "NEXTSEQ" having compatible arguments was found in the function path. SQLSTATE=42884’
This ‘SQL0440N - No function by the name "<function-name>" having compatible arguments was found in the function path’ error message usually occurs in a reference to function "<function-name>" (i.e. NEXTSEQ), when the database manager cannot find a function it can use to implement the reference. There are several reasons why this could occur:
(a). "<function-name>" was either incorrectly specified or does not exist in the database.
(b). A qualified reference was made, and the qualifier was incorrectly specified.
(c).The user's function path does not contain the schema to which the desired function belongs, and an unqualified reference was used.
(d).The wrong number of arguments was included.
(e).The right number of arguments was included, but the data types of one or more of the arguments are incorrect.
Message 2
<Ctd...>(f).The function does not exist in the database with a create timestamp earlier than the time the package was bound (applies to static statements).
Following SQL statement was run against the database to check if the NEXTSEQ function exists in the database.
Select * from sysibm.sysfunctions where name = 'NEXTSEQ';
According to the query results, we found that the NEXTSEQ function does not exist in the database.
In order to have NEXTSEQ function in the database you need to install the stored procedures and user-defined functions on your Siebel Database Server. First you must transfer them to the Siebel Database Server and install the Siebel Database Server components.
The behaviour resolved after customer ran NEXTSEQ.SQL script from the ‘siebproc.sql’ file to create the missing function ‘NEXTSEQ’ in the database. After that they performed a new Database Extract and it worked perfectly.
Please refer to Bookshelf, Siebel Server Installation Guide for UNIX > Chapter 7 Installing the Siebel Database Server for DB2 Universal Database > Siebel Database Server Software Installation > “Installing the Stored Procedures and User-Defined Functions" for information about installing Stored Procedures and User-Defined Functions.
Message 3
<Ctd...>We recommend obtaining the assistance of a Database Administrator (DBA) to perform this.
Thank you.
Best Regards
Siebel Technical Support
Key words: Database Extract, SMI-00077, SQL0440N, NEXTSEQ, NEXTSEQ.SQL, siebproc.sql, Stored Procedures, User-Defined Functions
ReplyDeleteI have no psecific error listed in log file... please help,, for teh DB extract error SBL-SMI-00077: Component error, see the trace file for more information
IPCLog IPCInfo 3 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:12 Connecting to the named pipe SIEBEL_732 with timeout 60000
IPCLog IPCInfo 3 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:12 [1471458192] Successfully wrote the message (with seq#: 41) on the IPC pipe SIEBEL_73
2, wrote 1372 bytes out of 1372 bytes
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacInfo 3 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 SCFMessageFacility::IPCMessageHandler, msgTag = 86, src proc = 732, m
sgType = 1
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_DB_LOGIN is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_TASK_BUSSVC is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_TASK_VIEW is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_TASK_APPLET is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_TASK_BUSCOMP is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_DB_LOGIN is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_TASK_BUSSVC is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_TASK_VIEW is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_TASK_APPLET is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_TASK_BUSCOMP is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_DB_LOGIN is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_TASK_BUSSVC is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_TASK_VIEW is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_TASK_APPLET is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacDetail 4 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 sval tag = SVAL_OBJSRVR_TASK_BUSCOMP is not found in the map
ScfMsgFacLog SCFMsgFacInfo 3 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 [1471458192] Sending a reply message to process 732 with message tag
IPCLog IPCInfo 3 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 Connecting to the named pipe SIEBEL_732 with timeout 60000
IPCLog IPCInfo 3 0004841f5142678f:0 2013-03-15 13:20:23 [1471458192] Successfully wrote the message (with seq#: 42) on the IPC pipe SIEBEL_73
2, wrote 1372 bytes out of 1372 bytes
What all parameters did you give while doing the extract?