Applies to:
Siebel Reports - Version: 7.5.3 [16157] and later [Release: V7 and later ]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Error Message Area:Reports - RPT
Version:Siebel 7.5.3
This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-RPT-00134: Could not connect to the Report Server. Please contact your administrator. Status : %1Scope
This document is informational and intended for any user.SBL-RPT-00134: Could not connect to the Report Server. Please contact your administrator. Status : %1
1. When using the Siebel Web client, the Siebel Server cannot access the Actuate e.Reporting Server machine using the host name or port specified.2. The Actuate e.Reporting Server service is not running.
3. When attempting to synchronize a user from the Siebel application to the Actuate e.Reporting Server, the error displays. Sometimes, this is a symptom of another root cause; for example, if the Actuate Server Report Server Host parameter is not set correctly and you attempt to synchronize user(s), the error displays.
4. The EnableReportServer configuration parameter is not set correctly.
5. The local environmental variable does not have the appropriate locale with the appropriate character encoding set. NOTE: This is specific to UNIX platforms.
Corrective Action
1. Verify the Actuate Server Report Server Host parameter. Navigate to the component parameters of the appropriate object manager. For example, in Siebel application version 7.7, navigate to Administration - Server Configuration > Servers > (select server) > Components > (select object manager) > Parameters. Locate the Actuate Server Report Server Host parameter and verify the value.You may also try to ping the machine to verify connection.
NOTE: The case (capitalization) of some parameters related to Actuate could affect the connection from Siebel to the Actuate e.Reporting Sever.
For more information, refer to:
- Siebel Bookshelf version 7.7 > Siebel Installation Guide for (select Microsoft Windows or UNIX): Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing the Siebel Reports Server > Postinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Reports Server > Enabling the Siebel Reports Server with the Siebel Web Client.
- Siebel Bookshelf version 7.5.3 > Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Installing the Siebel Reports Server for (select Microsoft Windows or UNIX) > Postinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Reports Server > Enabling the Siebel Reports Server with the Web Client
2. Verify that the Actuate Process Management Daemon service is started correctly. In Actuate Management Console, log in to System Administration with user name Administrator and the password defined during the installation. Click System and verify that the system is currently online. In some cases, the system is not online even though the service is up and running. In this case, re-enter the license key into the startup parameter and start the service.
3. Re-synchronize the users by navigating to Site Map > Reports Server > User Administration, select the user and click Synchronize One. Supply the user name and password.
You may also try to delete the user on the Reports Server, re-create the user, and then attempt to synchronize the user in the Siebel application.
For more information, refer to:
-Siebel Bookshelf version 7.7 > Siebel Installation Guide for (select Microsoft Windows or UNIX): Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing the Siebel Reports Server > Postinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Reports Server > Synchronizing Siebel Users to the Reports Server.
-Siebel Bookshelf version 7.5.3 > Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Installing the Siebel Reports Server for (select Microsoft Windows or UNIX) > Postinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Reports Server > Synchronizing Reports Server Users.
4. Verify the configuration parameter, EnableReportServer, is set to True in the appropriate configuration file.
For more information, refer to:
-Siebel Bookshelf version 7.7 > Siebel Installation Guide for (select Microsoft Windows or UNIX): Servers, Mobile Web Clients, Tools > Installing the Siebel Reports Server > Postinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Reports Server > Enabling the Siebel Reports Server with the Siebel Dedicated Web Client.
-Siebel Bookshelf version 7.5.3 > Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Installing the Siebel Reports Server for (select Microsoft Windows or UNIX) > Postinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Reports Server > Enabling the Siebel Reports Server with the Dedicated Web Client.
5. Verify the local environmental variable is set with the appropriate character encoding.
Here are two examples of setting the locale on UNIX platforms.
Example 1:
$ export LANG=en_US
$ export LC_ALL=en_US
Example 2:
$ export LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8
$ export LC_ALL=fr_FR.UTF-8
Applies to:
Siebel Reports - Version: 7.5.3 [16157] and later [Release: V7 and later ]IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.5.3 [16157] ESN
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.1
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.1
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1311489706.
SBL-RPT-00134We still have problems trying to run reports from Web Client (but it works from Dedicated Client). We get the errror: Could not connect to the Report Server. Please contact your administrator. Status:<?> SBL-RPT-00134We have seen SR 38-1087004561 where it says that the problem was due to a Locale issue, Could you tell us the correct settings for locales?do we need to change (or export) some parameter on AIX where Report Server is running?
Thanks in advance.
Configuration/ SetupSolution
Message 1
For the benefit of other readers.Customer found on SupportWeb SR 38-1087004561 where it says that the problem was due to local environmental variables that were not set correctly on their Sun Solaris environment and wanted to know if this also apply to AIX environment.
It was found that the error message was also due to the same behavior on AIX where the Local variables were not set correctly on the two machines used.
One machine was hosting the Siebel Server and the other one was hosting the Report Server.
The behavior was resolved after installing UTF filesets on both machines and establishing LANG and LC_ALL variables to ES_ES.UTF-8
Thank you and regards,
Applies to:
Siebel Reports - Version: [15058] and later [Release: V7 and later ]z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [15058]
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP 2
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 3
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 3
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-958790951.
SBL-RPT-00134We just upgraded this development environment to version and installed Actuate 6.0 SP1. I am trying to synchronize the Reports Administrator, but am getting connection errors as described in the attached document.Cause
Configuration/ SetupSolution
Message 1
For benefit of other readers:Customer tried to synchronize the Reports Administrator, but he received the following error message:
“Could not connect to the Report Server. Please contact your administrator. Status: ERROR_UNKNOWN_ERROR”
Reviewing his Object Manager parameters related to Report Server it was found that the Actuate Server Report Server Host was not set correctly according to Bookshelf > Siebel Reports Administration Guide > Installing the Siebel Reports Server for Microsoft Windows > Postinstallation Tasks for the Siebel Reports Server.
It was set as followed:
Actuate Server Report Server Host = whereas it should be set
Actuate Server Report Server Host = DEV-SRS:8000
as is the domain name from Actuate Report Cast Domain parameter.
In some testing it was also found that the case of some parameters (related to Actuate) could affect the capability to connect from Siebel to the Report Sever.
From customer’s files, the installation had in some places capital letters (Actuate Report Server Host for example) and lower case in some others (volume name or FQDN in eapps.cfg)
Changing the installation to have consistent case enabled customer to resolve the behavior.
Thank you,
Siebel Technical Support
Message 2
Search Keywords: Synchronize One, Actuate connection, Report AdministratorApplies to:
Siebel Reports - Version: 7.7.2 [18325] and later [Release: V7 and later ]Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit)
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.2 [18325]
Database: Oracle 9.2
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 8
Database Server OS: HP-UX 11i
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2051097151.
SBL-RPT-00134Error message in the UI is as follows
Could not connect to Report Server. Server:<our
server>, Volume<our server>. Status:'<?>'. Please contact your system
The following error messages are being generated from the Actuate Server logs:
Unsupported HTTP version:
AcSoapWorker::ProcessSoapError() Connection closed to the client, Soap HTTP exception
We believe this may be related to changes that were made to the HTTP Protocol Business Service over the weekend. Please refer to SR#38-2010964841 under our account.
For benefit of other Users:To close the EAI HTTP Transport connection after every usage, customer wrote a script on the PreInvokeMethod of 'EAI HTTP Transport' business service by setting HDR.Connection= "close" as an input property.
This caused the Actuate reports to fail with the message as :
not connect to Report Server. Server:<our server>, Volume<our
server>. Status:'<?>'. Please contact your system
For reports we invoke "EAI HTTP Transport" each time we sent a SOAP message to Actuate. So it is suggested that changes not be made in the "EAI HTTP Transport" business service.
Customer removed the script changes in the "EAI HTTP Transport" business service and reports worked fine after that.
Applies to:
Siebel Reports - Version: 7.7.1 [18306] and later [Release: V7 and later ]z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.1 [18306]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1371599141.
SBL-RPT-00134Hello,I am facing some serious problems with our Actuate deployment here.
We are running a multilingual system. Installed LEPs are ENU and DEU.
If I try to synchronize users with actuate in the DEU Client. I get an error message.
Error code: SBL-RPT-00134
Which states that a connection to the report server was not possible.
When I tried the sync in the ENU client everything works well.
After the users are synchronized with Actuate I can create reports in the ENU client but not in the DEU Client (Same Error Message). I face the same behaviour on our merged development system too
I searched knowledgebase for this error and got 2 hits. Both articles where about localisation issues. But unfortunately on Unix based servers.
Here is a detailed description of the Server configuration. I will also attache log files shortly.
OS: Win2k Srvr Sp4 ENU
Regional Setting: English(US)
Time Zone: GMT+1 Berlin
Siebel Vanilla installation with both LEPs on all Components (GTWY;DBSRVR,SRVR;RPRTSRVR)
Imported Sample Database over ODBC
Default language for actuate: german
Time zone: GMT+1
Please understand that this configuration will be pretty much the same on the production servers. The application will be hosted in germany. Most users will be german speaking. its mandatory to have a english operation system for security reasons. All parts of the application inclusive reports have to be available in german and english.
Further more the actuate HTTP service did not start after I patched the reportserver. I managed to get it running again after i deployed a backuped server.xml file in the apache/tomact conf folder.
Any suggestions?
Please provide me with a general aproach on how to configure reportserver in such an environment.
I am looking forward to your answer and advice
Configuration/ SetupSolution
For the benefit of other users:Customer was running Siebel environment with two languages English and German.
Also customer was trying to execute reports through Actuate Server.
Reports were successfully executed every time on English object manager but when run through German object manager following error would appear in the object manager log file:
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2004-07-22 15:43:34 (port.cpp (107)) SBL-EAI-04297: Protocol '' for port 'ActuateSoapPort' is not supported.
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2004-07-22 15:43:34 (wservice.cpp (146)) SBL-EAI-04307: No ports were initialized for Web Service named 'ActuateAPI' having namespace value ''.
After executing following SQL statement :
It was discovered that German seed data was missing from the database. After importing German seed data, reports could be executed from both object managers.
Thank you,
Applies to:
Siebel Reports - Version: SIA [18356] and later [Release: V7 and later ]IBM AIX on POWER Systems (64-bit)
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [18356] FRA Travel
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2449311421.
We have finished to install and configure our Siebel Report Server but we have the following error when we try to synchronize our reports users :"Connexion impossible au serveur
de rapports. Serveur : 'ibm_infia.fnac.dom', Volume : 'infia.fnac.dom'. Statut :
'<?>'.Veuillez contacter l'administrateur.(SBL-RPT-00134)".
In spite of this error, it's possible to connect to the Actuate Management Console.
After some research on My Oracle Support, we have found some solutions for this problem but they are not applicable in our case.
Could you help me to solve our problem?
Below, we can find some information about our environment configuration:
* Actuate Server host name (with component Actuate Active Portal, Actuate Server and Actuate Management Console) : xxxxxxxx
* Actuate Volume name : xxxxxxxx
* We can find on the ActuateParameters_for_LoyObjMgr_FRA.xls file the Actuate parameter defined on our object manager
* We can find on the SymbolicURL_Host.xls file the definition on our host in our environment
Best regards.
For the benefit of other readers:This customer reported that they received the following errors when trying to synchronize Siebel Users on the Actuate Report Server: -
“SBL-RPT-00134: Could not connect to the Report Server”
On further investigation, the following errors where found in the Object Manager Log file: -
Nous ne sommes pas en mesure de traiter votre demande. Ceci est dû
probablement au fait que vous avez utilisé le bouton ARRIERE ou
RAFRAICHIR du navigateur pour atteindre cette page.”
“SBL-EAI-08027: Il n'y a pas de service Web sortant actif nommé “'.”
Connexion impossible au serveur de rapports. Serveur :
'', Volume : ''. Statut :
'<?>'.Veuillez contacter l'administrateur.”
This indicated that the Web Services were not activated for Actuate.
We asked the customer to complete the following steps: -
1) Login into Siebel and navigate to Site Map >> Administration - Web Services >> Outbound Web Services
2) In the “Namespace” column query for “'” and check if the status is “Active”.
3) If not, set the Status to Active and then try and synchronize the user.The customer found that the Outbound Web Service for Actuate was not active and when this was enabled the Siebel Users synchronized as expected.
Further information on Outbound Web Services can be found in the section 'Outbound Web Services' of Chapter 'Web Services' of the 'Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel eBusiness Application Integration Volume II' document in Bookshelf.
Applies to:
Siebel Reports - Version: SIA [18361] and later [Release: V7 and later ]z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [18361] NLD Fin Svcs
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
Database Server OS: HP-UX 11.0
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2519044691.
SBL-RPT-00134, SBL-EAI-04005Dear support,After installing the report server, I cannot synch the users.
Tried it from both dedicated and web client.
Attached the log file of our FINS NLD object manager.
Please advice.
Best regards,
For the benefit of other users:Error message in English is :
not connect to the Reports Server. Server: 'zl9b', Volume: ' ZL9B'.
Status : '<?>’. Please contact your administrator. SBL-RPT-00134”
To troubleshoot this issue, further information was required as follows:
1) Could customer login to the Report Volume named 'ZL9B' (in this case) via Actuate Management Console?
2) Had customer restarted the Siebel Server after setting parameters to enable the Report Server in Web Clients?
3) Can customer attach all Actuate logs located at Actuate7\Server\log directory as well as an export of the Object Manager parameters of which Actuate parameters have been set?
After checking this information: we recommended
1) Customer to only use CAPITALS for report server parameter values like:
ReportServerHost = ZL9B
Instead of ReportServerHost = zl9b
2) to make sure the error occurs when attempting to synchronize a user, by conducting the following test:
a) Stop Actuate Services and move all Actuate logs to another directory.
b) Start Actuate Services and take a look at encycsrvr7* logs if the above error is logged.
c) Login to a Web Client and try to synchronize a user to the Report Server and then check encycsrvr7* logs again for the error.
3) To check if the host name ' ZL9B ' is recognizable in network, please do ping test with the host name only from the Siebel Server machine as follows:
ping ZL9B
If the ping test fails, I would like to suggest consulting your network administrator for the host name in DNS configuration.
By looking at the log file the following error message was also found:
“Bad input for '%1': '%2' (SBL-EAI-04005)”
We request customer to try the following: -
1) Login into Siebel and navigate to Site Map >> Administration - Web Services >> Outbound Web Services
2) In the “Namespace” column query for “'” and check if the status is “Active”.
3) If not, set the Status to Active and then try and synchronize the user.
But in fact the test that helps resolving the issue was to test synchronization in the dedicated client using the standard srf, as in this case it works.
Later on customer removed some custom script and it resolved the issue
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