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Applies to:

Siebel eConfigurator - Version 8.1.1 SIA [21111] to SIA[21219] [Release V8]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Renaming name in the definition of an attribute breaks modifying an asset.
1-) Administration - Products > Attribute Definitions

2-) Create 2 attributes

    Iowa1 - freeform

    Iowa2 - freeform

Release them

3-) Administration - Products > Class Administration

Create a class and add the above attributes.

4-) Administration - Products > Product Definitions

Create 1 Product with the above class. Release it.

Name: Iowa1ChildProduct1

5-) Administration - Products > Product Definitions

Create a customizable Product and add FRChildProduct1 to it.

Name: IowaRootProduct

6-) Navigate to Accounts and create a new one

7-) Drilldown on the Account Name and create a Sales Order

8-) Add Root Product to the order

9-) Hit customize, add the child product and hit Done

10-) Set the status of the 2 line items to complete

11-) Set the Status of the Order to Complete too.

12-) Hit Auto Asset

13-) Navigate to Administration - Products > Product Classes > Lock the class

14-) Rename Iowa1 to FR 1 xxx

15-) Release it and refresh the cache

16-) Navigate to Administration - Products > Product Definitions > Lock the Root Product

17-) Delete the relationship and re add it

18-) Release it and clear the cache

19-) Navigate to Accounts > Account Summary > Installed Assets applet

21-) Hit Modify and you will see the following error message:
[1] Error running sub-process 'SIS OM edit Complex Asset Workflow' at step 'Edit Asset - Interactive'. (SBL-BPR-00183)
[2] Error invoking service 'Complex Product AutoMatch Service', method 'Automatch' at step 'Auto Match Port Ids.' (SBL-BPR-00162)
[3] The item that you are trying to customize contains invalid sub-items or attributes or does not comply with the corresponding customizable product definition. Do you wish to proceed and have the invalid selections removed or fixed?

Product FRRootProduct1
Relationship Rel1
[1] Extended Attribute - FR 1; The item can not be found (SBL-ISS-00121)


When an Attribute Display Name under the Class is renamed and its a part of Customizable Product, the relationship under Root Product is removed and added back again with the same relationship name then attribute definition is not found as its searching with the name(actually the Attribute is not removed) during Automacth.
The behavior was considered a BUG 10580891.


Bug 10580891 has been fixed with Fix Pack.
Following is the list of Quick Fixes available: [21211] QF0132 BugID: SBA: 9222317[ 21215]QF0274 BugID: SBA: 9894219[ 21219]QF0311 BugID: SBA: 10008373

To check if there is a quick fix available for your Siebel Application Version, please log a Service Request informing the CR number.

Applies to:

Siebel eConfigurator - Version 8.1.1 [21112] to [21225] [Release V8]
Siebel eConfigurator - Version 8.1.1 SIA [21111] to SIA [21225] [Release V8]
Siebel eConfigurator - Version[20433] to[20440] [Release V8]
Siebel eConfigurator - Version SIA[20433] to SIA[20440] [Release V8]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


The following error message is displayed when migrating promotions from source to target environment:

[1] Partial Import: ; [1] Method 'Execute' of business component
'Product Promotions Relationship VBC' (integration component 'Product
Promotions Relationship VBC') returned the following error: "An active
version can not be found; Type ISS_PROD_DEF; Name Price for Life
Unlimited MRC; Time stamp 04/06/2010
12:57:01(SBL-ISS-00121)"(SBL-EAI-04376); Data will be skipped ; [1]
Method 'Execute' of business component 'Product Promotions Relationship
VBC' (integration component 'Product Promotions Relationship VBC')
returned the following error: "An active version can not be found; Type
ISS_PROD_DEF; Name Price for Life Unlimited MRC; Time stamp 04/07/2010
09:01:15(SBL-ISS-00121)"(SBL-EAI-04376); Data will be skipped ; [1]
Method 'Execute' of business component 'Product Promotions Relationship
VBC' (integration component 'Product Promotions Relationship VBC')
returned the following error: "An active version can not be found; Type
ISS_PROD_DEF; Name Price for Life Unlimited MRC; Time stamp 04/07/2010
13:27:48(SBL-ISS-00121)"(SBL-EAI-04376); Data will be skipped ;

Steps to reproduce it:

1-) Create a Customizable Product with 1 child Product in the source environment

Root Product SF
Child Product SF 1

No Min or Default cardinality defined in the product. Max was set to 999 by default.

2-) Create a Promotion with Root Product SF

Root Product (Min =1, Default =1 , Max =1)
Child Product

No promotions constraints or cardinality were set to the child products

3-) Export the promotion export using Full Structure

4-) Import in the target environment and release all objects

5-) In the source environment, add a new child Product to the Root Product

Root Product SF
Child Product SF 1
Child Product SF 2

No Min or Default cardinality defined in the product. Max was set to 999 by default.

6-) Check the Promotion and you will see that the Child Product SF 2 is now part of it.

7-) Re-export the promotion using Objects Only

8-) Import the Promotion in the target

=> We get the following error message:

Import: Partial; ; [1] Method 'Execute' of business component 'Product Promotions Relationship VBC' (integration component 'Product Promotions Relationship VBC') returned the following error:
"An active version can not be found; Type ISS_PROD_DEF; Name Child Product SF 1; Time stamp 04/30/2010 11:47:11(SBL-ISS-00121)"(SBL-EAI-04376); Data will be skipped

9-) Re-export the Promotion using Full Structure and import in the target environment

=> We get the same error message:

Import: Partial; ; [1] Method 'Execute' of business component 'Product Promotions Relationship VBC' (integration component 'Product Promotions Relationship VBC') returned the following error:
"An active version can not be found; Type ISS_PROD_DEF; Name Child Product SF 2; Time stamp 04/30/2010 11:47:11(SBL-ISS-00121)"(SBL-EAI-04376); Data will be skipped

In version 7.8, the object gets imported as expected with no error messages using the same scenario.

Note: the error message is displayed even after applying the workaround provided on
Bug 10583814 "Getting the error SBL-EAI-04421, when importing a product promotion from one environment of 8.1.1 to other environment"


Per engineering analysis, the unexpected behavior is caused by the new Virtual Business Component "Product Promotions Relationship VBC". This VBC was added as part of AIA 2.1. (ACR 474) for a feature called "Component Level Adjustment" and subsequently merged into and That feature has no correlation with workspace project import/export but they happen to use the same "ISS Promotion" integration object.


We have logged Bug 10591941 "Receiving an error message when migrating promotions" and there is a quick fix available for version and

Bug ID: 9749955
Base Required: Fix Pack[21211]
Patch Abstract: 21211 SBA QF0196 SEBL_ARU

Bug ID: 12550181
Base Required: Fix Pack[20433]
Patch Abstract: 20433 SBA QF09AE SEBL_ARU
Fixed in

In case you are facing this issue and there is no quick fix available for your Siebel Application Version, please log a Service Request.

Applies to:

Siebel eConfigurator - Version [20420] - DO NOT USE to [23012] [Release V8]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


On version 8 when you validate the latest version of a specific product in the Product Definition view you get the error:

The Item can not be found; Type ISS_PROD_DEF; Identifier 1-OZL4; Version 10(SBL-ISS-00121)

This does not happen when you validate the workspace version. The original reported problem was reproduced with a customer database and the vanilla SRF.

The same problem has now been reproduced on the Sample database and has been documented in bug 12961311 with a specific product definition and sequence of steps.


The product version data has got corrupted.


The Business Service “ISS Authoring Import Export Service” has a method “CleanupSingleObject” which will remove all the historical version data except the current workspace version from a versioned object such as a product. This method carries a health warning that if you delete versions of an object then they can not be restored. Please test this with the appropriate care and run on test objects before going into production.

The method "CleanupSingleObject" can be run on versioned objects such as attributes or classes or signals or variable maps. The input parameter “RootObjectType” is set to the appropriate value - ISS_ATTR_DEF or ISS_CLASS_DEF or ISS_PROD_DEF or ISS_SIGNAL or ISS_VAR_MAP.

Run the business service method in the simulator for a product with the following 2 input arguments:

(1) RootObjectType and value = ISS_PROD_DEF

(2) VODObjectNum and value = Row_ID value of product to clean (Menu>About Record in Product Definition List Applet)

When the method is completed, check the Product definition and lock and release the workspace version. All subsequent versions can now be validated.


On Siebel versions: 7.8.x, 8.0.x and 8.1.x.
When attempting to use a product recently released by a concurrent user, the following error occurs:

An active version can not be found: Type ISS_PROD_DEF; Name <Product Name>; Time stamp <Date-Time> (SBL-ISS-00121)

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Log in as SADMIN on one session.
2. Log in as TEST01 on another session.
3. As SADMIN, create a new product 'AL Test Product' and Release it.
4. As TEST01, go to Sales Orders, create new sales order and select 'AL Test Product', no problem.
5. As SADMIN, create another product 'AL Test Product 1' and Release it.
6. As TEST01, using same Sales Order, try to add 'AL Test Product 1'
7. The following error message is seen:

An active version can not be found: Type ISS_PROD_DEF; Name AL Test Product 1; Time stamp 07/10/2010 15:11:24(SBL-ISS-00121)

8. If SADMIN adds AL Test Product 1 to the Sales Order then it is fine, no error.
9. If TEST01 goes to Administration - Product, locks 'AL Test Product 1' and Releases it and then tries to add the product to the Sales Order, it will work this time (no error).
10. Also, if TEST01 logs out and logs back in again, he will be able to access the product...

The same holds true in reverse. For example, TEST01 publishes the product and SADMIN tries to add it to sales order, the error message will be seen.

The same problem is also seen if two instances of the same login are concurrently logged in too.


This issue has determined to be a new product defect that affects Siebel 7.8.x, 8.0.x and 8.1.x. The following bug was raised for this issue:

Bug 10587287: [CR#12-1X1SG5R][FR#12-1X1SG6C] SBL-ISS-00121 error message when releasing product for concurrently logged in user


Bug 10587287 has been fixed in the following Siebel versions:

- Fix Pack and higher
- 8.2.1 Release and higher

For prior versions there are currently two workarounds available:

1. The user affected can log off and log in to Siebel once again and use the new product without errors.
2. The user can go to Administration - Product, lock the new product and release it. After that the user can use the product without any errors.



Applies to:

Siebel eConfigurator - Version: SIA[19251] and later   [Release: V7 and later ]
Siebel Product Configurator - Version:[19251] to [21225]   [Release: V7 to V8]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


1) What does error "SBL-ISS-00121: Item - 1*@; UI Property - GoalMode; The Item can not be found" mean?
2) What does error "SBL-ISS-00121: .... 1-49T25;.... " mean?
Both messages are visible in Siebel logfiles when starting a eConfigurator session.


Regarding error "SBL-ISS-00121: Item - 1*@; UI Property - GoalMode; The Item can not be found"This is an informal message and has no meaning for the user. Bug #12683217 was created to hide this message
Regarding error ""SBL-ISS-00121: .... 1-49T25;.... " The error is related to an object with id = 1-49T25 and tells the user that there are inconsistencies in the product definition. For instance this object was deleted but not all relationships to this object were cleaned up. To find existing relationships/links to this object please export the root product via Administration - Product, Workspace and search in the resulting xml file for object 1-49T25. This should show all existing links to this object which needs to be removed.
Please make the modifications through the Siebel UI Administration - Product.


BUG:12683217 - ERROR
NOTE:1051117.1 - Remote Product Configurator Object Manager, Problem with RCIOS used in Product Configurator Script: SBL-CFG-00157: The Siebel Product Configurator run-time
NOTE:543217.1 - eConfiguration Error after upgrade

Applies to:

Siebel Financial Services CRM - Version SIA [21229] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Getting the following when trying to modify the asset via Bulk Request
'Error in Delta method: [1] Extended Attribute - Extended Attribute - Test A2; The Item can not be found(SBL-ISS-00121)'.

=> Steps to Reproduce it:

- Product model:
  Test L1
    Test L2
      Constraint:  When the attribute L31 >> L31 >> L42 >> L42 >> A53 = Yes
  excludes the attribute L32 >> L32 >> L43 >> L43 >> A54 = 1
          Test L31
                    Test L41 (Test Class A1/Test A1 which is enumerated attribute with values -, Y, N)
          Test L32
                    Test L42 (Test Class A2/ Test A2 which is a freeform attribute)
  - Test Case:
  1-) Create an account
  2-) Navigate to Account Summary
  3-) Create a sales order
  4-) Add the product Test L1 to it
  5-) Hit Customize
  6-) Add Test L2 and hit customize
  7-) Add Test L31 and hit customize
  8-) Add Test L41
  9-) Go back to the Root Product by using the path
  10-) Add Test L32 and hit customize
  11-) Add Test L42
  12-) Hit Done
  13-) Add a service id in the root product 12123454
  14-) Transform the line items in asset by changing the status to complete
  and hitting auto-asset
  15-) Navigate to Bulk Request and create a new Request
  Type = Modify
  Account = Test Account
  Child Type = Service Id
  16-) In the instances applet, hit new and select service id = 12123454
  17-) In the action applet, hit new and enter the following:
  Action Code = Update
  Base Product = Test L1
  Component Product = Test L42
  Attribute = Test A2
  Attribute Value = 1
  18-) Validate the request and hit Submit
  Results: Status = Partially Complete
  Exception = Error in Delta method: [1] Extended Attribute - Test A2; The
  Item cannot be found(SBL-ISS-00121)

It is expected that the attribute will be changed and constraint will be triggered


 The behavior was reproduced in-house and bug 13796957 has been logged about it.


Currently there is no fix for this issue. Bug 13796957 will be reviewed by our development team and eventually fixed in a future release.
The issue is not reproducible when the attribute Test A2 is added to the product in the second level instead of being added to the third level product.



Applies to:

Siebel eConfigurator - Version SIA [20448] and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


  BatchValidate method crashes the application on
  Happens only when
  - Product has a linked item defined
  - Product has a rule constraint defined
  - log levels are set to 3 or higher.

In the log file before the crash the following error is seen:
  ObjMgrLog Error 1 000000024fff090c:0 2012-07-13 04:08:02 (vodbroker.cpp
  (3591)) SBL-ISS-00121: The Item can not be found; Type ISS_PROD_DEF;
  Identifier 6SIA-4HVGU
  ObjMgrBusServiceLog Error 1 000000024fff090c:0 2012-07-13 04:08:02
  (cxobjinstsvc.cpp (8055)) SBL-CFG-00155: Complex Object Instance Service
  Internal Error: **GetProperty failed.*Property Product Id not found.

  sscswork +0x13d50 = ConfiguratorWorker::getHasCondCheckFailure() +0x0
  sscsmain +0x16df1 = CSSCxSessionMgr::GetDetailedReqExpl() +0xc1
  SSCSIBRK +0x1ade2 = CSSCxObjInstService::GetDetailedReqExpl() +0x192
  SSCSIBRK +0x28c04 = CSSCxObjInstService::DoInvokeMethod() +0x114
  sscfom +0x19583 = CSSService::InvokeMethod() +0x203
  SSCSREMT +0xf2f0 = CSSConfiguratorService::InvokeSessionMethod() +0x1a
  SSCSREMT +0xff54 = CSSConfiguratorService::GetDetailedReqExpl() +0x84
  SSCSREMT +0x13556 = CSSConfiguratorService::BatchValidate() +0xfd6
  SSCSREMT +0x1154c = CSSConfiguratorService::DoInvokeMethod() +0xbc
  sscfom +0x19583 = CSSService::InvokeMethod() +0x20
  SSCSREMT +0x34e2 = CSSCfgProxyService::DoInvokeMethod() +0x22
  sscfom +0x19583 = CSSService::InvokeMethod() +0x203
  sscfomlg +0x840b = CSSELServiceImpl::InvokeMethod() +0x9b
  sscfcli +0x31848 = CSSCLIJSMechanism::CSSCLIJSMechanism() +0x12108
  sscfcli +0xe2aa3 = CSSISenseInterface::`default constructor closure'() +0x9c3e3
  sscfcli +0xe91ca = CSSISenseInterface::`default constructor closure'() +0xa2b0a
  sscfcli +0xe9e48 = CSSISenseInterface::`default constructor closure'() +0xa3788
  sscfcli +0x13b2d = CSSCLIJSMechInst::CallEvent() +0xc5d
  sscfel +0x583d = CSSELIface::ForwardEvent() +0x6d


It turned out that for BatchValidate the parameter Product Id was missing.

The reason is, in the code BatchValidate is trying to get the Product Id from the input arguments, but as it is found it takes the previous string which is Order Id.
Hence the error and crash.

Identified by engineering.


Bug 14323658 has been logged in order to address that BatchValidate may cause a crash.

The crash can be avoided when passing additionally the "Product Id" parameter to BachValidate().

For your convenience, here is a sample of the script that does NOT result in a crash:

function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)
  if(MethodName == "Test")
  var s0 = TheApplication().GetService("ISS Copy Service");
  var inp0 = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
  var out0 = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
  var head = "6SIA-4K76V"; // Order Id
  var item = "6SIA-4K76Y"; // Line Item
  var prodid = "1-6G5Y27"; // Product Id 
  var io = "7.7 Order Entry Integration Object"; // Integration Object
  var qt = "'";

  inp0.SetProperty("IntegrationObjectName", io);
  inp0.SetProperty("SearchSpec","[Header.Id] = "+ qt + head + qt +" AND [Line Item.Root Id] =" + qt + item + qt);

  var s = TheApplication().GetService("Remote Complex Object Instance Service");
  var inp = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
  var out = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

  inp.SetProperty("IntObjName", io);
  inp.SetProperty("Product Id",prodid); // <- If this parameter is missing it may result in Crash


  var s2 = TheApplication().GetService("EAI XML Write to File");
  var inp2 = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();
  var out2 = TheApplication().NewPropertySet();

  s2. InvokeMethod("WritePropSet", inp2, out2);
  TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Finished ...");
  return (CancelOperation);


NOTE:1062314.1 - Crash In BatchValidate On Function BatchValidateDetailedExpl

Applies to:

Siebel Financial Services CRM - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.


While loading attributes, classes and products for Siebel product, and try to associate an active version of attribute definition to a product class the following error is displayed:

"An active version can not be found; (SBL-ISS-00121)".


Effective date specified for the product class workspace before adding the attributes.


If you face such an issue, please verify if you can leave effective date as blank. This issue is not coming up, when we don't specify the effective date for the product class workspace, before adding the attributes. It comes only if there is an effective date when adding the attributes.

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