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SBL-CFG-00230: RootProductId is required for Link Item Manager, and it is not provided.

Applies to:

Siebel eConfigurator - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] and later   [Release: V8 and later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


When running the web service ProductConfiguration and Load operation for a complex product with the remote product configurator you get the following error:

Begin: Business Service 'Configurator Service' invoke method: 'GetLinkItemValues'
SBL-CFG-00230: RootProductId is required for Link Item Manager, and it is not provided.


The GetLinkItemValues method of the business service Configurator Service does not contain the RootProductId in the input property set when the remote product configurator is enabled. This happens when the vanilla workflow ConfiguratorWebChannelBeginConfig step Begin Configuration is run. The property set is correctly populated when remote product configurator is disabled and running the web service ProductConfiguration and Load operation.


Add the following two scripts to the business service Configurator Service in Tools and recompile the business service into the SRF and it fixed the problem. It sets a profile attribute with the value of the property Product Id when the GetProductId method is called and then uses this profile attribute to set the property RootProductId when the GetLinkItemValues method is called.

A new Change Request # 12-1YDF0C1 was created to document this problem.

Function Service_PreInvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)
if (MethodName == "GetLinkItemValues")
Inputs.SetProperty("RootProductId", TheApplication().GetProfileAttr("RootProductId"));
return (ContinueOperation);

function Service_InvokeMethod (MethodName, Inputs, Outputs)
if (MethodName == "GetProductId")
TheApplication().SetProfileAttr("RootProductId", Outputs.GetProperty("Product Id"));

This script is given as an example and will need to be tested fully before implementing.

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