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SBL-CFG-00175: Customizable Product Runtime Internal Error in function %1. Error Dump: %2.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [16183] Com/Med
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4
Database Server OS: HP-UX 11.0

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1246515871.



we are running eConfigurator on and had some custom templates that exposed child product attributes on the parent product's user interface. As many of you know, this requirement and customization is very common. They then upgraded to (standard interactivity mode), and this customization stopped working. The error they recieve when navigating to a screen that tries to do this is

'Customizable Product Runtime Internal Error in function CSSCfgUIService::GetAttributes. Error Dump: Got NOTOK.(SBL-CFG-00175)'

We tried this with a much simpler template that I created for another client and on and recieved the same error


Message 1

For the benefit of others, the issue has been reproduced in SIA.

Defect: CR 10475297 has been logged to address this behavior. CR describes as:

Custom templates that exposed child product attributes on the parent product's user interface is not working on SIA

Once you validate a product after choosing the child product in the validation screen, the error comes as following:

'Customizable Product Runtime Internal Error in function CSSCfgUIService::GetAttributes. Error Dump: Got NOTOK.(SBL-CFG-00175)'

However, after applying the QF0412, the issue was could not be reproduced.

If you are having the similar problem, please contact siebel technical support for QF0412 and more information.


Siebel Technical Support

Message 2

For the Benefit of Other Readers:


When a custom web template that exposed child product attributes on the parent product's user interface which worked previously in and 7.5.3SIA reproduces the following error message in and

'Customizable Product Runtime Internal Error in function CSSCfgUIService::GetAttributes. Error Dump: Got NOTOK.(SBL-CFG-00175)'


The above behavior was determined to be a product defect and Change Request 10475297 was submitted. In is was resolved in QF0412 and in it was resolved in QF0511.

If the custom web template contains CfgLoopType="DomainAndChildren". Then the above error message will persist. This was determined to be a produce defect and Change Request 10475869 was raised to address it. This was resovled for in QF0515.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [16180] Com/Med
Database: IBM DB2/UDB 7.2
Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.1
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1225671581.



We have been making configuration changes to one of our products today and started getting the following error when we Validate:

ObjMgrLog       Error   4       2004-03-24 13:44:07     (SBL-CFG-00175) Customizable Product Runtime Internal Error in function CSSCfgUIService::GetAttributes. Error Dump: Cannot fin
d UI info for this instance.
ObjMgrLog       Error   4       2004-03-24 13:44:07     (SBL-CFG-00175) Customizable Product Runtime Internal Error in function CSSCfgUIService::GetAttributes. Error Dump: Got NOTOK.
ObjMgrBusServiceLog     Create 4       2004-03-24 13:44:07     Business Service 'Web Engine UI Preferences' was created 334f3640


Message 1

For the benefit of others:

The issue has been reproduced in the house as a defect and CR 10474922 has been logged to report the issue. Basically, for the all the product that is using custom template, the product is not showing in the validation mode in version or later with attribute.

The Workaround of the issue is to create the user properties for the entire grand child attribute. Configurator engine will not be able to provide detail info in the UI if the grandchild attribute is not created for all the relationships that is using custom template in version or later version. The fix is available in version with additional configuration steps which are mentioned below:

To do so, find out the names of all the relationships where the custom templates are used. once it is done, go to ( SIA) Go to UI Property Designer. Under the Groups, for each of the groups that reference any of the relationships using custom template, create UI properties of the following form:
a.    Name: MultiChildrenPort, Value: <name of Relationship>
b.    Name: MultiChildrenPort1, Value: <name of Relationship>
c.    Name: MultiChildrenPort2, Value: <name of Relationship>
          d.    And so on...

Once these additional changes are made, once you validate the product, you will see them i the validation mode and the error goes away.


Siebel Technical Support

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.8.2 [19213]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: HP-UX 11i

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2572969031.



An Error message is displayed when clicking Customize button on a sub line item. Steps to reproduce the error in sample db are:
1. Create a customizable Product with the following structure:
      1.0 Test Parent Product - Attribute 1 with a LOV range
              1.1 Test Child Product - Attribute 2 with a LOV range
2. Associate the following templates when building the HI UI : Base Theme with Manual Pricing JS, Single Page Product Theme JS, Standard Group Theme JS. All the attributes are mapped to Combo Box for Attribute JS and the Test Child Product is mapped to Check Box without Price JS

3. Create a quote and add the Test Parent Product. Click on Customize and add the subproduct: Test Child Product. Click on Done button

4. Select the sub-product Test Child Product and click on Customize. The attached error msg is displayed.


Message 1

For the benefit of other users:


An Error message is displayed when clicking Customize button on a sub line item. The error message is:

"Customizable Product Runtime Internal Error in function CSSCfgUIServiceJS::GetUIInfo. Error Dump: Got NOTOK.. (SBL-CFG-00175)"


The error above was reproduced using sample database 7.8.3 HOR. Able to reproduce after importing the product model.

CR 10502269 was logged to address this behavior and has associated it with this sr.

Based on CR 10498272 / FR12-YW6RDP that was looged for this issue. Please try the following workaround that was given to me by Engineering:

1. Query for BC = "Quote Item"

2. Under BC "Quote Item", query for User Property = "SIS OM Configure Complex Product Workflow Inputs::Quote"

3. Fix the user property value by inserting a space (" ") before "Item Product Id"

These CR's are also associated with this sr.

Key Words: SBL-CFG-00175, Quotes, Product, NOTOK, 12-16LPBR4, Customize

Thank you,
Siebel Technical Support

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [16172] Com/Med
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.8
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.8

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1388306601.




we implemented in CME the displaying of child attributes on the same page of products using the 'swe:include' tag in the swt's and everything was working fine.

Now we're planning to upgrade to CME, but we will not use the eCfg HI functionalities in the short term due to effort constrains.
In such situation, the change to swt done to display the attributes is not working anymore, producing the following error:
Customizable Product Runtime Internal Error in function CSSCfgUIService::GetAttributes. Error Dump: Got NOTOK.(SBL-CFG-00175).
In attach a sample template working in and not working in and a CP to reproduce the issue.
Just copy the template in the webtempl directory, import product, validate it and select product B.
The issue is urgent, because that could stop the deploy of planned for friday.
Any suggestion on a way to overcome the problem really appreciated.



Message 1

For the Benefit of Other Readers;

The above behvior was resolved by additing the UI Property called "MultiChildrenPort" and setting the value to the name of the relationship which contains the customized web templates that display's the child product and it's attribute on the same page.

CR 10478689 has been raised as a document enhancement request to provide more details on the MultiChildrenPort UI Property in future Siebel document releases.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [16183]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4
Database Server OS: HP-UX 11.0

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1264880831.



This issue is reproducible using the attached TS CP1.

Steps to reproduce in SIA

Create a product
Add a relationship
Add couple of attributes
Create a summary group theme
Do not add any UI control
Error pop ups as:

Customizable Product Runtime Internal Error in function CSSCfgUIService::GetAttributes. Error Dump: Got NOTOK.(SBL-CFG-00175).

Please note that this error message can be seen in different models with a different method of the CSSCfgUIService, such as CfgGetChildren.


Message 1

For the benefit of others:

It appears that the cause of this issue is the lack of a record in the BC [Complex Product Group Items BusComp].

This problem is not reproducible in 7.5.3 SIA, but is reproducible in SIA and SIA.

The issue has been logged as a change request 12-L17ZWG.
The issue can be worked around by adding a dummy record in the Group Items list applet. For example, once the problem is reproduced, simply add a control for either of the attributes or the relationship accepting a default UI Control (i.e. do not specify). After you add this dummy control, the product will validate without the error message.

Should you need further information, please feel free to contact Siebel Technical Support.


Siebel Technical Support

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [16180] Fin Svcs
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 8
Database Server OS: HP-UX 11i

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1276487381.


SBL-CFG-00175, SBL-UIF-00266

We have found a consistent error inolving the implementation of a UI property with "Template Products" in Siebel.

When we try to apply the MultiChildrenPort property to a UI Group with a relationship to a Product that is part of a Template Product and Class - weI get the following errors:

Applet: Cfg Cx Runtime Instance Frame does not have the Edit template file specified.(SBL-UIF-00266)

Or this error:

Customizable Product Runtime Internal Error in function CSSCfgUIService::GetAttributes. Error Dump: Got NOTOK.(SBL-CFG-00175)

We have many template products in our product catalogs, so this is a showstopper for upgrading to


Message 1

For the Benefit of Other Readers:


1. Create a Class Product with relationships that uses the MultiChildrenPort UI property and customized web templates for UI Control.

2. Create a customizable product (CP) which uses the same class as No 1 so it inherits all the product, rules, templates, etc. of the class product.

3. When you validate the Class Product everything works fine and there are no error message even when you choose products from the relationship with MultiChildrenPort.

4. When you validate the CP of No 2 above and attempt to select the product from the relationship that uses MultiChildrenPort and custom web template, you get the following error:

"Applet: Cfg Cx Runtime Instance Frame does not have the Edit template file specified.(SBL-UIF-00266) "


The above behavior was determined to be a product defect and Change Request 12-LCAT96 has been submitted to address it.

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