Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: [16186]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: HP 9000 Series HP-UX
Database Server OS: HP 9000 Series HP-UX
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1815434077.
SBL-CFG-00170Users would like to change the verbiage for the Explanation that appears for Cardinality rule
violations. For example, create a CP that has a sub-product Product A with minimum and default
cardinality set to 1. Validate the CP and de-select Product A. The system displays the following
error message:
"There is an error with your last request. You are below the minimum quantity
of 1 for Product A. Please click the Undo button to undo your last request.
Users cannot customize the out-of-the box generated error message.
Moreover, users would like the ability to translate the error messages. The current workaround is
to create a "requires" rule using the rules designer to customize the explanation.
Message 1
For the benefit of other users:Upon further research the conclusion is error messages are one of the things you cannot translate. The only way to get these messages translated is to purchase a language specific version of Siebel. So, for example, when you purchase the French version of Siebel, you get the .DLLs to enable French error/warning messages.
The workaround would be using a required rule built in the rules designer to customize the explanation.
The Change Request# 12-U4DBM0 has been logged to give users the ability to customize cardinality rule violations error messages.
Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: 7.8.2 [19213] DEU Com/Med
Database: Oracle 10g
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 5.8
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 5.8
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2871635931.
Hi,I have two problems when using RaiseErrorText in Customizable Product scripts.
1) I tried to use RaiseErrorText in the Cfg_AttributeChanged Method. Therefore I wrote a simple script:
function Cfg_AttributeChanged (ChangedAttribute)
var item;
var nCnt = ChangedAttribute.GetChildCount();
for ( var i = 0; i<ChangedAttribute.GetChildCount(); i++ )
item = ChangedAttribute.GetChild(i);
var attName = item.GetType();
var oldV = item.GetProperty("OldVal");
var newV = item.GetProperty("NewVal");
if (newV.length > 5)
TheApplication().RaiseErrorText("Test der RaiseErrorText Methode in Cfg_AttributeChanged ! ");
item = null;
I have defined a simple Attribute which is mapped as an EditBox in the User Interface. When editing the Attibut with a value greater than five characters I get the Errormessage "<?>. Weitere Details: <?>. (SBL-CFG-00170)" (please find attached errormessage.doc). I've also attached a Log-file "Cfg_AttributeChanged.log" with Log-Level 4.
In SupportWeb I found SR 38-1149262162 which describes the use of RaiseErrorText in the Cfg_AttributeChanged Methode. Considering this SR the use of RaiseErrorText in the eConfigurator-Scripts should work.
2) I also used RaiseErrorText in the Cfg_InstPostSynchronize Method. In this Method RaiseErrorText works fine. I get an Errormessage when leaving the eConfigurator. The problem is that I get a Siebel Errormessage (not a message box like the normal RaiseErrorText) as described in SR 38-1149262162. There is an CR in the SR for this issue. Is this functionality available in the meantime?
Best Regards
Message 1
For the benefit of other users:This behavior has been reproduced in house and the Change Request# 10506618 has been raised to address it.
Following is a workaround that can be used to overcome this behavior:
There is a possible solution to address this in HI using Javascript code but due to the fact that changing Javascript code is not really supported you will need to engage Siebel Expert Services to address this.
The idea is to use SetProfileAttr() in CP event and check for the Profile Attribute in the javascript file, then use Alert() to pop up the message.
This approach will require assistance of Siebel Expert Services because the code in the Javascript file is very specific to the internal Siebel structure and can change with new versions (i.e. upgrades to 7.7/7.8./..)
Applies to:
Siebel Configurator Runtime - Version: 8.1.1 [21112] - Release: V8Information in this document applies to any platform.
A complex product has a component product in a product type relationship which has a minimum cardinality of 1. There is also a constraint rule to limit the quantity of the component product. The constraint has a specific explanation text.In configurator when no product is selected from the relationship then a correct warning message is displayed as follows:
“There is an error with your last request. You are below the minimum quantity of 1 for …. Please click the Undo button to undo your last request. (SBL-CFG-00170)”
When you select the Explanation button there is no further explanation. Why is the specific constraint explanation not displayed in configurator?
When you have both a cardinality rule and a constraint rule not satisfied at the same time for the same product relationship quantity then the cardinality rule is given priority. This is why the custom explanation is not displayed.
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