Applies to:
Siebel System Software - Version: 7.0.4 [14068]Information in this document applies to any platform.
Area(s):ADM - App. Deployment Manager, Siebel EAI
Release(s):V7 (Enterprise), V7 (Professional)
Database(s):All Supported Databases
App Server OS(s):All Supported Platforms
Latest release tested against:V7 (Enterprise)
Keywords:Application Deployment Manager, ADM, UDA, EMT
This document was previously published as Siebel Troubleshooting Steps 41.
How To Troubleshoot Application Deployment Manager (ADM) in Siebel 7.7.Last Review Date
Instructions for the Reader
Troubleshooting Details
Troubleshooting Overview |
Table 1 - Deployment Session Status Field Values
Table 2 - Component Events to Enable for ADM Troubleshooting
Figure 1 - Location of Log Files for ADM errors
Table 3 - ADM Session Log.
Architecture |
Figure 2 - Siebel Components and Objects Used in ADM
ADM Workflow Processes for Online Deployments |
Figure 3 - Workflow Process and Business Services Used for Online Deployment
ADM Business Services for File Deployments |
Figure 4 - Business Services Used for File Deployment
Common ADM Error Messages |
Table 4 - Common ADM Error Messages and Symptoms
Figure 5 - Hierarchical LOV Deployment with LOVs of the Same LOV Type
Figure 6 - Hierarchical LOV Deployment with LOVs of Different LOV Type
Troubleshooting Overview
- Navigate to Site Map > Application Deployment Manager > Deployment Session View View and locate your ADM session’s status. The status will let you know if there is an error. See Table 1 for an explanation of the session statuses and first steps.
- Check the source and target systems for log files or error messages. The locations where logs can be found are shown in Figure 1. Log file locations for the Siebel server and a dedicated client are shown. If you are performing an online deployment OR a file deployment connected to a thin client, the logs you want to examine will be on the Siebel server. If you are performing a file deployment on the dedicated client, the logs you want to examine will be on the dedicated client.
- Once you have found the relevant log files, scan the component logs to find the first point of failure. Typical error messages for ADM are listed in this Troubleshooting guide.
- If the logs do not contain any detail, enable the appropriate component events for each server component. See Table 2 for a list of the component events to enable and which components to enable them on.
- If you identify the problem to be related to an integration object, business component rules or the EAI Siebel Adapter, then do further testing using export files.
This is a new deployment session.
Deployment session has not submitted yet.
This is a status that you will usually see for HTTP deployments. This means data has been sent successfully sent from the source system to the target system.
On the Source system, you will see the Submitted status until the jobs complete on the Target system.
If the status never changes on the source system, check target system for queued or failed server requests (jobs). Typically these requests will be in the WorkFlow Process Manager server component. To find the jobs, navigate to Site Map > Administration - Server Management > Jobs.
On the target system, also make sure the Workflow component group is online, and you have synchronized the batch components.
Validation Failed
This status indicates that the source system was unable to validate the environment details (see error SBL-SVC-00232) or log into the target server.
Check the source system log file in the $SIEBSRVR/temp/<session_id>.log for the underlying error message.
Deployment Failed
The deployment failed.
Check the source system log file in the $SIEBSRVR/temp/<session_id>.log for the underlying error message.
If it was an online deployment, also check target system for Workflow or EAI object manager logs for any errors.
Incomplete Deployment
Some items did not deploy successfully. Other items may have been deployed successfully.
Check the source system log file in the $SIEBSRVR/temp/<session_id>.log for the underlying error message.
If it was an online deployment, also check target system for Workflow or EAI object manager logs for any errors.
Export Completed
This is a status usually for file deployments. It indicates a successful file export.
The ADM data was exported successfully from the source system. Check the specified file directory for the output file.
NOTE: this status does not indicate that data was imported into the target system.
Deployment Completed
This status indicates successful data migration from source to target.
The submitted deployment ran successfully on the target system, and an acknowledgement was successfully sent back and received.
Component Event Name (Alias)
ADM Event (ADM Event)
Captures events related to ADM, such as errors.
EAIObjMgr, WfProcMgr, the AOM
EAI Siebel Adapter (EAISiebAdpt)
Captures EAI Siebel Adapter related events, including integration component and integration component fields accessed, and the values for the fields; business components and business component fields accessed and the values for the fields.
WfProcMgr, the AOM
EAI Transport (EAITransport)
Captures EAI Transport related events: including direction (send/receive) and result. For HTTP transport, shows headers and responses. For File Transport, shows the full filename.
EAIObjMgr, WfProcMgr, the AOM
Performance Event (FSMPerformance)
Captures events related to the File Systems performance such as time taken to read or write to the file system, and the name of file.
EAIObjMgr, WfProcMgr, the AOM
Event Context (EventContext)
Captures applet and method executed, view names, and screen names that the user navigates to.
the AOM
SrmBusSvc Condition (SRMBusSvc)
Captures when the Server Requests business service submits a job.
EAIObjMgr, WfProcMgr, the AOM, SRProc, SRBroker
Server Requests Routing Info (SRMRouting)
Captures Server Requests routing information, including SRB Session ID and component name.
EAIObjMgr, WfProcMgr, the AOM, SRProc, SRBroker
Object Manager SQL Log (ObjMgrSQLLog)
Captures the SQL select, insert, update, and delete statements.
EAIObjMgr, WfProcMgr, the AOM
Session Manager (SessMgr)
Captures SISNAPI events related to the Siebel session manager.
WfProcMgr, the AOM
Object Manager Business Service Operation and SetErrorMsg Log (ObjMgrBusServiceLog)
Captures Business Service-related events such as when business services are created, deleted, and the methods invoked.
EAIObjMgr, WfProcMgr, the AOM
Object Manager Business Component Operation and SetErrorMsg Log (ObjMgrBusCompLog)
Captures Business Component-related events: create and delete.
EAIObjMgr, WfProcMgr, the AOM
Workflow Engine Invoked (EngInv)
Captures when the workflow process engine is invoked.
EAIObjMgr, WfProcMgr
Workflow Process Execution (PrcExec)
Captures workflow process related events, and shows process properties values.
EAIObjMgr, WfProcMgr
Workflow Step Execution (StpExec)
Captures the process step events including business services invoked and inputs and outputs of the business services, conditions evaluated, and outcome of the step.
EAIObjMgr, WfProcMgr
XML Conversion (XMLConversion)
Captures the conversion of XML documents to property sets steps and vice versa, shows encoding used in the document.
EAIObjMgr, WfProcMgr
Line #
[Deployment Session Header]
ADM Deployment Session: 42-4P84F
ADM Deployment Project: testtest
Start Time: 08/01/2004 17:00:00
Target Web Address: http://myserver/eai_enu
Target User Name: SADMIN
[Transaction: ProdFeature]
Status: Data Preparation Completed
Session Items: UDA Admin Product Line, UDA Product Feature
End Time: 08/01/2004 17:00:07
[Transaction: ProdFeature]
Status: Import Failed
End Time: 08/01/2004 17:00:17
EAI Logs:
No inserts are allowed in Integration Component 'Admin Product Line_Internal Product'.
ADM Workflow Processes for Online Deployments
ADM Business Services for File Deployments
Common ADM Error Messages
An error occurred exporting to file. Please make sure the path <path value> points to a valid directory which has enough space and is writable by the application process owner (SBL-SVC-00255)
SBL-SRQ-00103: Unable to find definition of component WfProcMgr
SBL-SVC-00232: The schema and SRF of the source environment and the target environment must be of the same version.
Step '<?>' references non-existent error symbol '<?>'.(SBL-BPR-00186)
EAI Queue Entry Always Created During File Import
Unable To Deploy: Target Server Path is a required field. Please enter a value for the field. (SBL-DAT-00498)
Deployment Failed: “[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid cursor state”
Cannot connect to the server (SBL-EAI-04115). An error occurred connecting to the Target System.
SBL-BPR-00158: Cannot execute workflow process definition 'UDA Batch Deployement'
ObjMgrSRFLog Warning...(objdef.cpp (2192)) SBL-DAT-00144: Could not find 'Import Object' named 'EMT Session'
Multiple matches found for instance of integration component '%1' using search specification '%2' in the business component '%3', based on user key '%4'
LAST_UPD_BY Field Does Not Contain Correct Values
Task Status Completed but Data Not Imported
"There were more rows than could be returned. Please refine your query to bring back fewer rows (SBL-DAT-00500) (SBL-EAI-04376)
View: UDA Project Administration View does not contain applet: EMT Project Form Applet. (SBL-SVC-00254)
LOV Parent-Child Relationship Is Not Established
An error occurred exporting to file. Please make sure the path <path value> points to a valid directory which has enough space and is writable by the application process owner (SBL-SVC-00255)
SBL-SRQ-00103: Unable to find definition of component WfProcMgr
- Navigate to Sitemap > Administration - Server Configuration > Enterprises > Synchronize.
- The middle applet (Batch Component Admin) should contain a list of server components. If the list is empty, synchronization has not been done.
SBL-SVC-00232: The schema and SRF of the source environment and the target environment must be of the same version.
- Contact Siebel Technical Support to request the latest available 7.7.2.x Fix Pack. Install the fix pack on your target and source Siebel application environments.
- If you are not able to install the fix pack, a manual workaround is available. It is to deploy using Export Files so you can modify the XML attributes. Here is how to modify the XML:
- Determine the schema and srf versions for the target system.
- Deploy any file on the target System (you will not need to import this project into any system.) Then open up the file you deployed in notepad and copy out the lines containing the SchemaVersion and SRFVersion. It will look something like this (with different values in double quotes):
- Modify the Export file.
- Open up the XML file created from your source system. Then cut and paste the Schema and SRF string from the target system’s XML into your source system’s XML file. When you save the source system XML file, make sure you retain the original encoding of the XML document (utf-8).
Step '<?>' references non-existent error symbol '<?>'.(SBL-BPR-00186)
EAI Queue Entry Always Created During File Import
Unable To Deploy: Target Server Path is a required field. Please enter a value for the field. (SBL-DAT-00498)
Deployment Failed: “[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Invalid cursor state”
- The database is running out of the cursors.
- There are too many connected users.
Cannot connect to the server (SBL-EAI-04115). An error occurred connecting to the Target System.
- Check that you have supplied a valid Siebel URL for the target system.
- Check that you have typed in a valid username and password for the target system
- Check that the EAI object manager on the target system is online. You can verify that the EAI object manager on the target system is online by using the statspage with this URL: http://<webserver>:<port>/eai_enu/_stats.swe (substitute <webserver> and <port> with values for your environment). If the stats page comes up, you have verified that you are able to connect to the EAI Object manager and it is online.
- Check that the source and target environments have network connectivity. For example, make sure you can ping the target webserver from the source Siebel server physical machine.
- Fix any invalid arguments supplied and recreate the deployment session.
- Make sure that the EAIObjMgr is online on the target system.
- If there are network problems, check with your network administrator to resolve the problems (e.g., name resolution problems, firewalls in place).
SBL-BPR-00158: Cannot execute workflow process definition 'UDA Batch Deployement'
- Check the spelling of your workflow process. In the symptom above, Deployement is misspelled (an extra 'e' between the 'y' and the 'm').
- In Siebel Tools, check that workflow processes have a status of Completed. In the Siebel client, verify the same workflow processes have a status of Active.
- Resubmit your workflow process task with the correct spelling.
- If you have enabled a workflow process in the Siebel client, stop the workflow process manager component and restart it. Resubmit your job.
ObjMgrSRFLog Warning...(objdef.cpp (2192)) SBL-DAT-00144: Could not find 'Import Object' named 'EMT Session'
Multiple matches found for instance of integration component '%1' using search specification '%2' in the business component '%3', based on user key '%4'
LAST_UPD_BY Field Does Not Contain Correct Values
"There were more rows than could be returned. Please refine your query to bring back fewer rows (SBL-DAT-00500) (SBL-EAI-04376)
Task Status Completed but Data Not Imported
- The UDA Batch Import and UDA Batch Deployment workflow processes have not been deployed properly.
- The FileExportPath and FileImportPath process properties are not valid.
- In Siebel Tools, check that UDA Batch Import and UDA Batch Deployment workflow processes have a status of Completed. In the Siebel client, verify the same workflow processes have a status of Active.
- Confirm the workflow processes have the correct FileExportPath and FileImportPath process property values.
- Deploy the UDA Batch Import and UDA Batch Deployment workflow processes in Siebel Tools. Activate the workflow processes in the Siebel Client.
- When exporting the file, verify the FileExportPath process property is set correctly for the workflow process UDA Batch Deployment. When importing the file, verify that the FileImportPath for the UDA Batch Import workflow process has a valid value. The values should be the directories which will contain the exported and imported files respectively. Both values can point to the same location.
View: UDA Project Administration View does not contain applet: EMT Project Form Applet. (SBL-SVC-00254)
Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: [19221] KOR Com/Med
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3400482111.
SBL-UIB-00112, SBL-BPR-00186Hi, support.
I had a problem when I tested a marketing approval process.
In UInbox
Inbox Item Detail View, I approved a campaign.
and then, the Action Value of the Ulnbox Item
Task was updated to 'Approved'
but, the Active Flag of the UInbox Item Task was still
I tested on vanilla srf.
I'll attach a screen capture.
Message 1
For the benefit of other readers:Customer has 3-step approval for their Campaign record: submitted - first approved – final approved. They have added a approval step 'FirstApprove' for the LOV type MKTG_PLAN_APPR_TYPE and MKTG_UINBOX_ACTION_TYPE.
They observed that two items are active after first Approval step and after final approval step, the last task and the second last task has same Action Value.
From investigation, the 2 records showing the 'Approve' action, the one with Active flag check is actually reflecting the final approve Campaign. While the one without Active flag is belonging to the 'First Approve' step. This can be confirmed using the row-id (using About record), if you match the row-ids.
The issue here is that, the 2 records are showing the same Action value and even the Comment (if you entered values into the Comment field). This is misleading and I have logged a Change Request 12-1KDJNNN on this.
Thank you,
Siebel Technical Support
Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: [19221] Cons Goods
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.2
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3198131551.
Hello,We added conditions in the Territory Management Alignment Condition (TM Account Condition).
When we run the alignment with our field in the condition, if the result is null the Workflow Process Manager fail.
We have several warnings and errors in the log file including one which result of the application of the ACR 263 that you recommended in the SR 38-3155380445 about our problem of connexions.
You’ll found attached the log which generated by the failure of the workflow process manager.
Have you got some ideas to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance for your answer.
Best regards,
Amandine MONTI
+334 67 63 71 10
Message 1
For the benefit of other users:1. when there is no match TM will treat this as an error and throw an exception and Instantiating step definition 'Update Alignment Status to Process Failed'..
2. since the workflow did not complete successfully thus it needed to inform of that fact. That is why the server task finished with the status = Exited.
The customer requested that when there is no object to be assigned the task should finish with the status Completed and not status Exit. A change request # 12-1I6DSG0 has been logged for this enhancement request.
Siebel Support
Keywords: 'Update Alignment Status to Process Failed', TM_WF_ERR_PROCESS_FAILED', SBL-BPR-00186, SBL-OMS-00203, TM
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