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SBL-DAT-60241: An error has occurred committing the record %1 of business component '%2'. The user key of the record is %3

Applies to:

Product Release: V8 (Enterprise)
Version: 8.0 [20405] Fin Svcs
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3430398941.


I constructed Task based UI for Contact Sceen and the task allows to create a new activity. Upon populating the fields in task ui for created activity. When I hit Next, I am running into error as attached.
So I created this time a new task based on Action BO.. Just inserting a new activity. It didnt failed.

In conclusion, Action creation is not getting possible uncer contact BO where as Activity is successfully getting created in Action BO.

I thing I observed is... When I fill in the Activity Form Applet, I could see the contact Last name in MVG. Once error is thrown, Contact Last name is getting disappered.



Message 1

For the benefit of other readers, the following behavior was encountered with Task Based UI.
Assume a Task based on busobj Contact.
Assume this task creates an activity in this context.
When submitting the task, the following error occurs.

SBL-DAT-60241: An error has occurred committing the record of business component 'Action'. The user key of the record is
    Activity UID = ""
    S_EVT_COMM.Conflict Id = ""

However, outside of a task, the creation on an activity in the Contact busObj context does not cause any error.

The error comes from the User Property "Contact MVG PreDefault Expression" on buscomp Action. Removing the part, 'Contact.Id', solves the problem. Removing this part should not cause any problem considering that the standard Link "Contact/Action" already handles the relationship. However, workaround should be review and thoroughly tested if customizations have been done between Contact and Action.

Change request 12-1KUV3WB was created to address this problem in the task.

Jérôme Patard, Oracle|Siebel Technical Support.

Applies to:

Siebel Tools - Version: 8.1.1 SIA [21111] - Release: V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Tested this Issue in 8.1.1 SIA with Sample DB

Steps to reproduce the issue

1. Created a Task Base UI with one Step which has Contact Form Applet
2. In this Applet there are two MVG's. One MVG is based on Account BC and another MVG is based on CUT Address.
3. Started the Task Base UI and Opened the Account MVG. Added the Record and removed the same record.
4. Closed the MVG and Click the Submit Button.
5. Following Error is encountered

[1] Task controller encountered another error while trying to handle the following error. Please use the Pause button to pause the task, or the Cancel button to cancel the task.(SBL-BPR-00537)
[2] An error has occurred committing the record 1-1YH of business component 'Account'. The user key of the record is
Party Name = ""
Location = "Outlet"
Primary Organization Id = "1-1DG"
S_ORG_EXT_SS.Conflict Id = ""
[3] An internal error occurred retrieving a field value for ''. The field has an invalid logical index.(SBL-DAT-00430)



For the benefit of the others readers:

CR#12-1V05905 and the FR#12-1V0NEIB was created as a product defect for this issue.

Following QF need to apply to rectify the issue 8.1.1 [21112] QF0060 BugID: SBA: 9037942

Thank you,
Siebel Technical Support



Applies to:

Product Release: V8 (Professional)
Version: 8.0 [20405]
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2005
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3361198991.




We are working in Siebel 8 SIA test environment, before we upgrade our actual environment and we have few critical business processes that we need to test in Siebel 8 Task Based UI. For that purpose, i have created a new task for creating or updating the contact.

The update contact part works fine as expected. While creating new Contact, it gives a weird error as attached in the zip file. I checked for that BC in our repository but that BC doesnt exist. I have also attached SIF of entire project as well as the Task SIF so that you can let us know where are we going wrong.

I am testing this using dedicated Siebel client and connected to sql server database.

Please let me know if you need more info.
Kindly note all the files are in the zip file.



Message 1

Hello Akshay,

Thank you for using the Siebel SupportWeb.

For the benefit of other readers, a Task had been created (using Task UI in Siebel 8.0) to create a new Contact. However, when the task was submitted, an error was raised :-

ObjMgrTaskLog    Detail    4    2007-06-05 10:24:01    Start processing record '1-O3R3' of BusComp 'Contact - Sales Rep - VisMvgSqlBCDef' with operation code Insert for commit

ObjMgrBusCompLog    Warning    2    2007-06-05 10:24:01    (sqlobj.cpp (29085)) SBL-DAT-00398: Field 'Primary Address Id' does not exist in definition for business component 'Contact - Sales Rep - VisMvgSqlBCDef'.
Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration.

ObjMgrBusCompLog    Warning    2    2007-06-05 10:24:01    (tasklogutil.cpp (2457)) SBL-DAT-00398: Field '<?>' does not exist in definition for business component '<?>'.
Please ask your systems administrator to check your application configuration.

ObjMgrLog    Error    1    2007-06-05 10:24:01    (tasklogutil.cpp (2512)) SBL-DAT-60241: An error has occurred committing the record 1-O3R3 of business component 'Contact - Sales Rep - VisMvgSqlBCDef'. The user key of the record is
Parent Id = "1-O3R2"
Child Id = ""
Conflict Id = "0"

The behavior has been re-produced with Siebel SIA 8.0 [20405], and change request 12-1JPUA0N has been logged.

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