Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: [16180]
Database: IBM DB2 7.2 FixPack 3sa
Application Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.1
Database Server OS: IBM AIX 5L 5.1
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1786597254.
SBL-DAT-00801I do have the file system directory set at the component level, currently it is U:\. But I still
get the error messages stating that it cannot connect to \siebel\siebfs01\ which is what is
defined in the Enterprise parameter. Is it possible that specifying the file system parameter at
the server / component level is not working ?
Message 1
For the benefit of other users:The customer encountered problems when accessing the Siebel File System. He encountered the error messages stating that it cannot connect to \siebel\siebfs01\.
The customer has a mixed environment consisting of a Siebel server installed on a Unix (AIX) machine that contains the Gateway Server, Siebel Server, File System and a Siebel server installed on a Windows machine which is currently being used for correspondence and workflow processing. He uses a third-party cross-platform file system mounting tool (SAMBA) to allow both machines (AIX and Windows) to share the directory where the Siebel File System resides. On the Windows machine he has a drive (drive U:\) that is mapped to the Siebel file system directory on the AIX machine.
The enterprise parameter Siebel File System was set to "\siebel\siebfs01" but is located on a UNIX platform (AIX). The customer should use the name convention for UNIX i.e. use slashes for files paths and not backslashes. Therefore he changed the enterprise parameter Siebel File System to "/siebel/siebfs01".
After that he still encountered the error messages:
SBL-DAT-00801: LoadPreferences: \siebel\siebfs01\userpref\SADMIN&Siebel Sales Enterprise.spf: Preference file directory not found.
Message 2
CONTINUATION:For the server components from the server installed on the Windows machine the file system directory was set at the component level, i.e. to U:\.
The problem has been resolved after the customer went through each of those Server Components from the server installed on the Windows machine and set the following parameters:
Application Shared Mode users directory = U:\userpref
Marketing File System = U:\
Siebel File System = U:\
Indeed there is the enterprise parameter "Application Shared Mode users directory" and it is set to "/siebel/siebfs01/userpref". That's why the components from the Windows machine have problems to connect to the userpref folder from Siebel File System. For those components it should set the "Application Shared Mode users directory" parameter to "U:\userpref".
Siebel Technical Support
Keywords: Siebel File System, Unix, Windows, Samba, preference file.
Applies to:
Siebel CRM - Version: 7.7.1 SIA [18306]z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.7.1 [18306] Cons Goods
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 3
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 3
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1498304739.
SBL-DAT-00801For the web client, when a user goes into the Page Tab Layout View and sets a new default view
for a certain screen, there is no visible effect: when returning to this screen, the old default
view is still the default view. When logging out of Siebel and back in again, there is still no
change. When going back to the Page Tab Layout View, the setting are back to the old
I can only reproduce this behaviour in the web client. The Mobile Web client
behaves as expected.
Message 1
For the benefit of the Siebel community:On the web client, the user preferences (resizing columns or re-organising them for instance) were not saved.
Siebel Web Client Administration Guide > About Siebel Clients > User Preferences and Siebel Clients
For users on Siebel Web Client, user preferences are saved on the Siebel Server.
By default, user preference data is saved in the UserPref subdirectory under the directory containing the Siebel File System. A different location for this data can be specified on the Siebel Server or Application Object Manager level by modifying the value of the configuration parameter SharedModeUsersDir.
User preference filenames are in the form user_ID&Siebel_appname.spf—for example, SADMIN&Siebel Universal Agent.spf for the user SADMIN running Siebel Call Center.
Nevertheless, there were no spf file created on the customer filesystem.
So we checked the customer filesystem parameters:
Siebel Server Administration Guide > Using the Siebel Server Manager GUI > Parameter Administration >Administering Siebel
Enterprise Server Parameters
We then looked at his siebns.dat
*** to be continued ***
Message 2
And realised it was pointing to an obselete destination.Between the original install and the current use, the customer has moved his file system, nevertheless the values in the siebns.dat were not modified.
So we recommended he ran the following commands:
change ent param FileSystem=\\SASN141\SIEB77_FS
change param DSFileSystem=\\SASN141\SIEB77_FS for named subsystem DataMart
change param FileSystem=\\SASN141\SIEB77_FS\att for compdef EIM
change param FileSystem=\\SASN141\SIEB77_FS\att for compdef SynchMgr
change param FileSystem=\\SASN141\SIEB77_FS\att for compdef TxnMerge
change param FileSystem=\\SASN141\SIEB77_FS\att for compdef TxnProc
Change ent param MarketingFileSystem=\\SASN141\\SIEB77_FS
Change ent param CFGSharedModeUsersDir=\\SASN141\SIEB77_FS\userpref
In fact all the parameter that needed to be changed and then restart his server.
After restart the user preferences were saved correctly.
We logged the following enhancement request to have the changes cascaded:
#12-PIXCO9 change ent param FileSystem command should cascade changes as with install screens
Keywords: filesystem, userpref, not saved, user preferences
Applies to:
Siebel Server Sync - Microsoft Exchange Server - Version: SIA [18365]z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows 2000
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [18365] Fin Svcs
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3009136112.
Follow up of the original SR # 38-2984960441Setting up new environment for SSSE. We are getting errors in PIMSIEng components log. I am attaching the log for your review.
The Siebel Server service owner is the one who installed the Siebel PIM server and is listed in the component services. This user is the context under which all the server components run. Therefore when the PIMSI Engine (as the service user) attempts to launch the Exchange Connector, it does so using the permissions of the service user. If the service user does not have permission to start sspicnea or the My Computer, then it cannot launch nor access the Exchange Server. The required third-party software provide the dlls for this interaction.I have reviewed the first PIMSIEng_3114.log [18365] and noticed the following main error:
PIMSIEngSvc PIMSICritical (exchangeconnector.cpp (1243)) SBL-MBL-02087: Exchange 2000 connector failed to initialize. Error = 0x80070005.
The error indicates that the Exchange Connector had difficulty accessing the DLLs or launching to connect to the Exchange Server.
The following steps (in this order) will usually correct most instances of this error. I am aware that you have checked the latest DCOM configuration for sspicnea.exe and sspicnfm.exe. I would therefore call your attention to manually entering in the Siebel Server service user in the Identity tab of those DCOM applications, and also run Step #3, which is slightly different from the sspicnea tasks.1. Uninstall any instances of Microsoft Outlook on the SSSE Server, Connector, or Dispatcher machines. If there were any instances, then it is necessary to reinstall all of the Siebel Server for SSSE.
(Bookshelf > Siebel Server Sync Guide > Installing SSSE > Installing Siebel Server for PIMSI Engine)
2. Manually re-enter the launch and access permissions for the DCOM applications sspicnea.exe and sspicnfm.exe. Check also the Identity login tab in the properties window.
(Bookshelf 7.8 > Siebel Server Sync Guide > Configuring SSSE > Configuring Exchange Connector Application DCOM Security)
3. Re-enter the appropriate service user in the COM Security for the "My Computer" properties, which is necessary for even single user admin environments.
(Bookshelf 7.8 > Siebel Server Sync Guide > Configuring SSSE > Configuring Exchange Connector Application DCOM Security > bottom of the page)
4. Add the Exchange server host to the list of trusted sites on the Local Intranet zone.
(Bookshelf 7.8 > Siebel Server Sync Guide > Configuring SSSE > Configuring Exchange Connector Parameters)
5. Re-install MSXML 4.0 Parser SP2 from Microsoft.
(Bookshelf 7.8 > Siebel Server Sync Guide > Installing SSSE > Process of Preparing Microsoft Exchange 2000 Environment for SSSE Installation > Installing MSXML 4.0 SP2)
6. Reboot the machine and restart services.
Please also review
Alert 1212: Requirements for Implementing Siebel Server Sync for Exchange (SSSE)
When the connector fails to start, these are the things to check/try --1. Check all of the DCOM settings for sspicnea and sspicnfm.
2. Change the Pimsi engine/ dispatcher process owner to the same user as the dcom user. They are supposed to be able to be different
3. Make sure the Engine share is set up correctly AND it is also defined as a UNC, not a physical drive. Doesn't work otherwise. Also make sure the dcom user can connect to the UNC.
4. Verify the patch level of Siebel and that the patches are installed on the SSSE machine(s). Make sure both Siebel Enterprise Application and SSSE are at the same pacth level.
In this particular case the issue was resolved by:
Granting additional role to the service account :
"Exchange View Only Administrator" in addition to the full mailbox rights
Key Words: SBL-DAT-00176, SBL-DAT-00801, SBL-MBL-02087, SBL-MBL-51000, 0x80070005
Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: 7.7.2 [18325]
Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 SP3
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 4
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3113970411.
SBL-DAT-00176, SBL-DBC-00111Hello,
Customer is in the process of building a new PROD system, setup with the similar
architecture as the existing PROD system but on new hardware. Everything is working well so far
except attachments, when we try to save an attachment (no matter whether Account/Attachments,
Contact/Attachments, Activity/Attachments) we get the following
[1] An
error has occurred writing to a record.
Please continue or ask your systems administrator
to check your application configuration if the problem persists.(SBL-DBC-00111)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column
'FILE_DOCK_STAT_FLG', table 'Siebel_Prd.dbo.S_ACCNT_ATT'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT
[3] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The statement has been
have searched SupportWeb and found SR 38-2940993117, but in our current PROD and all other
environments where attachments are working, there is nothing entered for the Email Temporary
Attachment Location parameter.
Please advise on how to further troubleshoot this
Message 1
For the benefit of other readers:Reviewing some of the Object Manager log files for the sessions where the unexpected behavior happened, the following errors prior to the SBL-DBC-00111 were found:
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2006-08-08 15:23:13 (dirmgr.cpp (628)) SBL-DAT-00176: The path '\\sblprdfsgclust\SIEBFILE\userpref' does not exist or is not a directory. If the problem persists, please contact your systems administrator.
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2006-08-08 15:23:13 (modpref.cpp (931)) SBL-DAT-00801: LoadPreferences: \\sblprdfsgclust\SIEBFILE\userpref\KANDERSON&Siebel Universal Agent.spf: Preference file directory not found.
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2006-08-08 15:23:13 (cscfg.cpp (163)) SBL-CSR-00418: Communication: User is not associated with any communication configuration in the database.
ObjMgrBusCompLog Error 1 0 2006-08-08 15:28:08 (bcfile.cpp (4232)) SBL-UIF-00229: Error occurred while opening file 'S_ACCNT_ATT_1-CF27P_1-MX01.SAF'.
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2006-08-08 15:28:08 (bcfile.cpp (3655)) SBL-SVC-00184: Error occurred while creating file in filesystem. Please contact your system administrator.
ObjMgrBusCompLog Error 1 0 2006-08-08 15:28:11 (odbccon.cpp (1930)) SBL-DBC-00111: An error has occurred writing to a record.
Message 2
(continued...)The SBL-DAT-00176 error code led us to suspect it must be a permissions issue since the path/directory did indeed exist and could be successfully mapped from the machine where Siebel web client was running. After checking and resetting the permissions on the directory where the file system was installed, attachments started working properly for all the various buscomps (Accounts, Contacts, Opptys, etc.).
Enhancement Request 12-1FK6FJ5 has been logged to have the message that is displayed in the User Interface (UI) be more representative of the real problem
Oracle | Siebel Technical Support
Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: 7.7.1 [18306] CHS Life Sci
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Sun Solaris 8
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 8
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1592697851.
We have installed a new Siebel Server on a Windows server for the Document server. All other servers are installed in Solaris. When we did the installation, it never asked for which components we wanted to enable and that server was installed with all the components enabled (like Automotive, Clinical, etc...).So we disabled all of them except the Document server. Now it does not work.
1) Please let us know what are the components that need to be enabled to have the document server running.
2) Why didn't the windows install ask for which components to enable? We have the option to do it in the solaris installation but not in the windows.
Message 1
For the benefit of other readers:Description
We have installed a new Siebel Server on a Windows server for the Document server. All other servers are installed in Solaris. When we did the installation, it never asked for which components we wanted to enable and that server was installed with all the components enabled (like Automotive, Clinical, etc...).
So we disabled all of them except the Document server. Now it does not work.
1) Please let us know what are the components that need to be enabled to have the document server running.
2) Why didn't the windows install ask for which components to enable? We have the option to do it in the solaris installation but not in the windows.
1) The two component groups that need to be enabled on the Document Server are the eDocuments component and the System management component group.
2) Installing a new Windows application server to an existing enterprise will NOT prompt for the components to enable. The new server will inherit the component groups enabled on the enterprise.
Please go in after the installation and enable/disable component groups wanted and don't forget to re-synchronize batch components when finished.
Documentation Enhancement Request #12-R6IYWQ was logged to document this part of the installation.
The customer reinstalled the Windows Doc Server and it inherited the component groups enabled on the Enterprise as expected.
Message 2
(continued...)However, the Correspondence were still not working by following these steps to create a letter:
Navigate to Contacts > All Contacts view
From the Menu choose File > New Correspondence (new letter)
Select a template (one that they were already able to drilldown into)
Click the Generate button
The status changes from queue to failed
Additional Research:
The enterprise and the other application servers were installed on Solaris. The document server was the only server installed on Windows.
The enterprise parameter "file system" was set to the unix path for the file system:
The enterprise component group called "eDocuments" has a component 'DocServer" that has a parameter FileSystem that was set to the shared Windows drive pointing to the filesystem:
From the Start > Run of the Document Server the windows share was connecting properly to the filesystem.
Message 3
(continued...)However, in the log files the following errors were seen in the 'DocServer_9226.log':
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2004-11-30 08:42:47 (dirmgr.cpp (628)) SBL-DAT-00176: The path '\opt\sbl_dc_dev\siebelfs\userpref' does not exist or is not a directory. If the problem persists, please contact your systems administrator.
ObjMgrLog Error 1 0 2004-11-30 08:42:47 (modpref.cpp (931)) SBL-DAT-00801: LoadPreferences: \opt\sbl_dc_dev\siebelfs\userpref\SADMIN&Siebel Sales Enterprise.spf: Preference file directory not found.
The other files have the error:
SBL-UIF-00230: The file 'DCRI Ver 2 Memorandum.doc' could not be found on any specified file system.
The following steps were followed to resolve the behavior:
1. Please disable the component File System Manager (FSMgr) for the docserver.
2. Once it is disabled, please update the eDocuments component definition "File System" parameter to the following value (including the asterisks):
3. Then review the posting on Supportweb "Troubleshooting Steps 33: Troubleshooting Guide for Document Server" in the section called "Enabling Additional Logging" and increase the logging specified.
4. Run through the steps of enabling the eDocuments and System Management component groups on this server again just to make sure they are enabled on this server (and make sure to synchronize when finished).
5. Finally restart all the services.
Message 4
(continued...)Documentation Enhancement Request #12-QLB8S5 was logged requesting that the file system parameter information for a heterogenous environment that fixed the above behavior be added to Bookshelf > Applications Administration Guide > Document Server > Installing the Siebel Server for the Document Server > Installing the Siebel Server in a Heterogenous Environment.
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