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SBL-DAT-00674: An unexpected value '%1' is retrieved for the Multi Valued Field '%2'. The expected value is '%3'.

Applies to:

Siebel Proposals - Version: [19219] - Release: V7
Siebel Correspondence - Version: [19219] - Release: V7
z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [19219]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 9

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3044058691.


SBL-DAT-00674, SBL-DAT-00294

We are using the correspondence module and setup the correspondence template in test environment having following fields to be mail merged:

<First Name> <Last Name>
<Street Address>
<City> <State> <Postal Code>

Users create a correspondence record and then associate a template and a recipient, then after clicking on "Generate" button the mail merge happens and we get the following error message after clicking "Done" button

"An unexpected value <'?'> is retrieved for the multi valued field <'?'>. The expected value is <'?'>. This might be due to modification of the selected record in the Multi Valued Group by another user after the record was retrieved. It could also mean that the record itself contain an invalid primary Id. Please check and correct the data before proceeding (SBL-DAT-00674)"

I noticed the this happens for the Recipient (Contact having primary address) associated to a correspondence record having a Primary Account and there is address for the Account.

if I erase the primary address for the Account and then click "Generate" & then "Done" button then the correspondence works fine, it also generates activity properly. However for the Contacts having primary accounts with address populated the correspondence "Done" button doesn't work I get the error popup message as above.

I also tried spooling the SQL however the SQL didn't show any such error message.


This behavior has been reproduced internally in 7.8.x SIA applications and Bug 12-1EEX0K1 was logged to address this issue in future releases. However, upon analysis, the issue was deemed to be a duplicate of existing Bug 12-1EEZ9WY.  The issue could not be reproduced in Siebel 8.0 and hence it was closed.


The workaround for this behavior is to perform the following changes using Siebel Tools:

- Select field Account Id under BC Action;
- Remove the Picklist;
- Inactivate all pickmaps under field Account Id;
- Compile BC Action.

Also it is possible to inactivate standard done button and create a new one that would generate the correspondence activity using scripting.



Applies to:

Siebel Tools - Version: 7.8 [19021] to 8.0 [20405] - Release: V7 to V8
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Checked for relevance on 29-Jun-2010


To add an extra field ‘Account’, which is a pick list, to ‘Action Home Add Virtual Form' based on 'Action Home Add Virtual' VBC. This VBC is based on a Specialized class 'CSSBCVMirrorAdd'.


The configurations steps below have to be followed to meet the requirement:

1. In tools, for the BC "Action Home Add Virtual" and add the following two fields:
- Account Name: Picklist property as "PickList Activity Account"
- Account Id
(The field names in the virtual business component must match the field names in the target business component.)

2. Add two pickmaps to field "Account Name" with the following "Field" and "Picklist field" properties:
- Account Name : Name
- Account Id : Id

3. Add the following BC User Property:
- Name : Mirror Field Account Name
- Value : Pick, Account Name, Account Id

If you do not use this User Property, you will get an errors like SBL-DAT-00225 or SBL-DAT-00674, when you pick Account.

4. In Applet "Action Home Add Virtual Form Applet", add a new control for the field "Account Name" with Pick Applet property as "Account Pick Applet" and map this control in the Applet web template.

5. Compile the changes.

Now you can add Account from Action Home Add Virtual Form Applet.

Refer to the following Bookshelf posting for details about the Rapid Add Virtual Business Components:
Configuring Siebel Business Applications > Configuring Screens and Views > Process for Creating Screen Home Page Views > Creating Rapid Search and Rapid Add Virtual Business Components

Applies to:

Siebel Workflow - Version: SIA [20412] - Release: V8

Information in this document applies to any platform.


On inserting Action record via Siebel Operation with Account Id set, the system generate errors :

SBL-DAT-00674: An unexpected value 'USA' is retrieved for the Multi Valued Field 'Service Country'. The expected value is ''. This might be due to modification of the selected record in the Multi Valued Group by another user after the record was retrieved. It could also mean that the record itself contains an invalid primary id. Please check and correct the data before proceeding.

The workflow process include Start, Siebel Operation and End steps. The workflow object is set as Action. The Insert operation BC is set as Action. Account Id field is set to a valid value in the Siebel Operation Step.

Note that the problem arise when there is more than one address being associated to the account.


The error is due to the following Pick Map fields underlying the Account Id field in the Action BC :

Service City
Service Country
Service Postal Code
Service State
Service Street Address

Change Request#12-1NG9XJP has been logged to address this.


The error gets resolved on the following configuration :

1) In Siebel Tools, select "Action" Business Component. Choose "Account Id" Field. Set "Service Country" (under Pick Maps) to Inactive.
2) Compile the selected Object.
3) Launch Siebel thick client



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