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SBL-DAT-00532: Component: %1, Current Version: %2, Minimum Version: %3, Maximum Version: %4

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [18356] Life Sci
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
Database Server OS: Redhat Linux Advanced Server 2.1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2241693827.



We get an error in Pharma with following steps. This can also be reproduced with Standard Siebel.

It only happens when you open a SR when under the All Asset screen.   

1) So from a All Assets List view, select an asset, drill down on the asset number

2) On that screen go to the Service Request tab, click new to create a SR.

3) Once complete, then drill through on the SR # to go to the Service Request screen.   

4) Then click on the vanilla button 'Create Product Issue'.

--> You will get the error 'The selected record has been modified by another user since it was retrieved. Please continue(SBL-DAT-00532')'   

Normally, when the Product issue is created, the screen transfers to the product issue screen. When this error happens, it stays on the SR screen.



Message 1

For the benefit of other users,

The main error message is "The selected record has been modified by another user since it was retrieved. Please continue.(SBL-DAT-00523)".

This happens during invokation of Business Service 'FINS Data Transfer Utilities', method 'DataTransfer' and only if it is a new service request. Clicking on the button again after the first attempt is successful.

Reason: The upper error message comes from an invalid handling of updates on BC Service Request with clicking on button 'Create Product Issue'. If you create a new service request on Asset, the Account Name is copied as a predefault value to the Service Request BC. With a drilldown on the service request number this is also committed. However this is not the same than picking the Account with the help of the picklist instead of a predefault value.

Especially one field is empty: 'Service Location Id'.

However Siebel tries to update this and other fields when you push button 'Create Product Issue' on the new Service Request. Unfortunately this leads to an error within our internal code. Modification Number is not correctly incremented with the updates and throws upper known error message SBL-DAT-00523.

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Message 2

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Field 'Service Location Id' must be filled with the New button on Asset as well as the Account Name. This can be achieved by

1) manually use the Account Picklist and reselect the same account again. Then the pickmap is fired and all fields filled (tested and this works)

2) setting up a predefault value on BC 'Service Request':
- BC 'Service Request'
Field = Service Location Id
PreDefault Value = Parent: 'Asset Mgmt - Asset.Account Primary Address Id'

- BC 'Asset Mgmt - Asset'
Field = Account Primary Address Id
field property 'Link Specification' = TRUE

This solved the issue with Standard Siebel. Change request #12-11Q2KWI was created to address this behavior with a future Siebel version

Siebel Technical Support
Keywords: Pharma, asset, service request, PreDefault Value, Service Location Id, new, FINS Data Transfer Utilities, DataTransfer, Create Product Issue

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