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SBL-CFG-00148: While updating the model, the Internal Configuration Engine encountered the following error: %1.

Applies to:

Siebel eConfigurator - Version: SIA [16180] to SIA [19224] - Release: V7 to V7
HP-UX Itanium
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Database: Any
Application Server OS: Any
Database Server OS: Any

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-2865778681.


In the customer's Siebel version environment the following behaviour is observed:

Web client A customizes a line item for a product called Troncal Digital belonging to an account which has segment Small; he receives an error, because Troncal Digital is restricted to medium and large segments - that is ok.

Web client B tries to customize a line item for a product Troncal Digital belonging to a customer who hast segment Large (a valid segment for that product) and he receives a message that says " While updating the model, the Internal Configuration Engine encountered the following error: Internal Worker Error. (SBL-CFG-00148)" . This is incorrect behavor.

Even when user B quits the application and logs in again the same error will be raised, and the same will happen for all the rest of the users who try to customize a line item for product Troncal Digital (regardless of the owner account's segment) until the Siebel Server is restarted.

Restarting Siebel Server is not the solution because as soon as some other user tries the scenario of user A the problem will happen again.


The customer had created a configurable product that does not have a valid solution in certain initial conditions: when a set of hard constraints, based on linked items, is violated so that this product cannot be instantiated at all.

The behaviour has been reproduced with the customer's configurable product.
Steps to reproduce the behaviour:

1) Set up a Siebel Server environment with remote Product Configurator.

2) Connect the thin client to a database with a product that has a link based rule, where the product model does not have a valid solution in certain initial conditions: when a set of hard constraints, based on linked items, is violated so that this model cannot be instantiated at all.
In the customer's example, the product was not allowed at all for quotes where the one of the account 's fields had a specific kind of value.

3) Navigate to an "illegal" quote item for the test product and click on Customize.
=> The application returns with a pop-up window containing the rule violation error.
Click OK.
Click on Customize again.
=> The application returns with an internal error:
[1] Internal Worker Error (SBL-ISS-00120)
[2] Error invoking service 'SIS OM PMT Service', method 'Reconfigure Product Instance' at step 'Reconfigure Product Instance'.(SBL-BPR-00162)

4) Logout from first client, start a new IE instance connecting to the same database and Siebel Server, navigate to a different, "legal" quote item for the test product and click on Customize.
=> The application returns with another internal error:
[1] While updating the model, the Internal Configuration Engine encountered the following error: Internal Worker Error. (SBL-CFG-00148)
[2] Error invoking service 'SIS OM PMT Service', method 'Reconfigure Product Instance' at step 'Reconfigure Product Instance'.(SBL-BPR-00162)

In fact, no quote items can be configured for this product until the Siebel Server running the remote product configurator component is restarted.

The following Change Request was logged for this issue:
CR Bug 12-1C086X5 - After first Product Configurator rule evaluates to False, subsequent calls generate Internal Error.


Customers should not create configurable products that do not have a valid solution in certain initial conditions. The following Change Request has been logged to update the Product Administration Guide with this information:
Documentation Enhancement Request CR Bug 12-1F7EKKO - Product models should always have a valid solution.

However, if you have such a model and encounter the same behaviour, the workaround is to change the environment to use the local product configurator in the application object manager.

Here is the processes to switch off dedicated Product Configurator and to switch it back on using
a) enterprise-level parameter definitions
(in Administration - Server > Enterprise Configuration > Component Definition)
b) server-level parameter definitions
(in Administration - Server > Components)

a) If the dedicated Product Configurator has been defined using enterprise-level parameters, switch it off as follows:

1. Stop the Siebel Server, but keep the Gateway Server running.

2. Open a MS Cmd window and cd to <siebel server installation>\bin, e.g. C:\siebel\siebsrvr\bin.

3. Enter the following commands:

srvrmgr /g <gateway host> /e <enterprise name> /u <username> /p <password>
e.g. srvrmgr /g localhost /e SEntDev752 /u SADMIN /p SADMIN
srvrmgr> change param eProdCfgRemote="FALSE" for comp definition eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn
srvrmgr> change param eProdCfgSnapshotFlg="FALSE" for comp definition eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn
srvrmgr> quit

srvredit /g <gateway host> /e <enterprise name> /x $enterprise.eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn.eProdCfgServer
e.g. srvredit /g localhost /e SEntDev752 /x $enterprise.eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn.eProdCfgServer

4. Start the Siebel Server.

To switch it back on at the enterprise level use the following steps:

1. Stop the Siebel Server, but keep the Gateway Server running.

2. Open a MS Cmd window and cd to <siebel server installation>\bin, e.g. C:\siebel\siebsrvr\bin.

3. Enter the following commands:

srvrmgr /g <gateway host> /e <enterprise name> /u <username> /p <password>
e.g. srvrmgr /g localhost /e SEntDev752 /u SADMIN /p SADMIN
srvrmgr> change param eProdCfgRemote="TRUE" for comp definition eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn
srvrmgr> change param eProdCfgSnapshotFlg="TRUE" for comp definition eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn
srvrmgr> change param eProdCfgServer="TSSBMYSW2K01;" for comp definition eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn
< --- where TSSBMYSW2K01 is the Siebel Server name where the dedicated product configurator runs, to be substituted with your current Siebel Server name for it.
srvrmgr> quit

4. Start the Siebel Server.

b) If the dedicated Product Configurator has been defined using server-level parameters, switch it off as follows:

1. Stop the Siebel Server, but keep the Gateway Server running.

2. Open a MS Cmd window and cd to <siebel server installation>\bin, e.g. C:\siebel\siebsrvr\bin.

3. Enter the following commands:

srvrmgr /g <gateway host> /e <enterprise name> /u <username> /p <password>
e.g. srvrmgr /g localhost /e SEntDev752 /u SADMIN /p SADMIN
srvrmgr> change param eProdCfgRemote="FALSE" for comp eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn
srvrmgr> change param eProdCfgSnapshotFlg="FALSE" for comp eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn
srvrmgr> quit

< --- Note that it is "comp" instead of "comp definition" for the server level.

srvredit /g <gateway host> /e <enterprise name> /x $Server.eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn.eProdCfgServer
e.g. srvredit /g localhost /e SEntDev752 /s TSSBMYSW2K01 /x $Server.eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn.eProdCfgServer

< --- Note that you must specify the Siebel Server name, e.g. /s TSSBMYSW2K01, and it is "$Server" instead of "$enterprise" for the server level. You must repeat this for all Siebel Servers where the application object mamanger is running.

4. Start the Siebel Server.

To switch it back on at the server level use the following steps:

1. Stop the Siebel Server, but keep the Gateway Server running.

2. Open a MS Cmd window and cd to <siebel server installation>\bin, e.g. C:\siebel\siebsrvr\bin.

3. Enter the following commands:

srvrmgr /g <gateway host> /e <enterprise name> /u <username> /p <password>
e.g. srvrmgr /g localhost /e SEntDev752 /u SADMIN /p SADMIN
srvrmgr> change param eProdCfgRemote="TRUE" for comp eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn
srvrmgr> change param eProdCfgSnapshotFlg="TRUE" for comp eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn
srvrmgr> change param eProdCfgServer="TSSBMYSW2K01;" for comp eCommunicationsObjMgr_esn
< --- where TSSBMYSW2K01 is the Siebel Server name where the dedicated product configurator runs, to be substituted with your current Siebel Server name for it.
srvrmgr> quit

< --- Note that it is again "comp" instead of "comp definition" for the server level.

4. Start the Siebel Server.

Note that Product Defect CR# 12-1C086X5 is fixed in the following Siebel Fix Pack versions: Fix Pack Fix pack Fix Pack

Product Defect CR# 12-1C086X5 is also fixed in Siebel version 8.0 and above.

Additional Keywords: Configurator Constraints, Configurator Links, configurable product instance.



Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: 7.8.2 [19213] HEB Com/Med
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Red Hat Linux 8.0

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3174657941.




we have the following contraint in our complex product:

Constrain ((sum of the values of Add Ons >> Funtone Service >> PP Minimum Balance + sum of the values of GPRS Data Packages >> GPRS4PP >> PP Minumum Balance + 0) <= (sum of the values of Load Package >> PP Load Package >> Loading Amount + 0)) to be true

when activated, this rule pops up an error when selecting the GPRS4PP product
Microsoft Internet Explorer
While updating the model, the Internal Configuration Engine encountered the following error: <?>.(SBL-CFG-00148)

this error disapears if we select the "Funtone Service " product first, unselect it, and then select the GPRS4PP product. we built a workaround exploriong this behavior
also, if the PP Minumum Balance value is edited in the GPRS4PP to a inferior value there is no error.

i attach the full export of the complex product in to the SR
after validate the product and select the GPRS4PP product in the Data tab to replicate the error.




Message 1

For the benefit of all users:


A customizable product with a complex structure had some consume constraints together with require constraints which resulted in incomplete messages upon violation.


Change Request CR 12-1HCL65A and CR 12-1JTEUE1 have been logged.


The following modifications have been made:

1) Used instead of Now a basic similar case showed desired behavior.
2) There were numeric enumerated attributes involved. Changing them to numeric free form.
3) Modified UI: Instead of using Check Box with Price JS used SIS OM Combo Box with Add Button JS for contributing products.
4) Used constraints with “Each item ...”. For the provide and consume constraints starting off the Relationship. This results in constraints which start with “Each item ...” and brought better results. ( used constrain and not constrain simple).
5) Used default instead of constraint.

This was used in the context of a specific product and cannot be generalized.

With kind Regards,
Oracle|Siebel Technical Support

Keywords: resource, require constraint, consume constraint, rule, constraint, configurator

Applies to:

Siebel Configurator Runtime - Version: [19238] - Release: V7

Information in this document applies to any platform.
Cusomizable Product Configurator


There are several situations in which referencing grandchild products leads to undesired behavior.

Examples 1:

Product structure:
- A with attribute b (b has vaules 1,2,3)
- child B attribute b (b has vaules 1,2,3)
A->b= 2 excludes B->b=2

Problem: weird solution is offered when rule is fired
1) set b=2 on root A
2) add child B
3) set b=2 on B (shown in red because of the rule)

1) Error page is not shown although both changes were user picks!
2) Configurator adds 2 additional child items B with value b different from 2 while the first child still has value 2.


Example 2:


Product Structure:

     Relationship A
                             Relationship Components 
     Relationship B


- Selection of ProdB1 from B and selection of A >> ProdA >> Components >> ProdA1 mutually require each other 
- The quantity of ProdAA from A = 1 
- The quantity of ProdA from A = 1

Validating ProdB causes following error message:

While updating the model, the Internal Configuration Engine encounterd the following error: <?>.(SBL-CFG-00148)


As a general recommendation constraints referencing grand child product should not be used.

Change Request CR 12-1QDA7RJ has been logged for future enhancement.


Do not reference grandchild products in constraints.

For Example one the workaround was to change sequence numbers of attribute definition.



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