Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: [19224]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 2
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 2.6
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3484149502.
SBL-ADM-05006Issue: After this SR i have changed the "MsgClientAddInEAIUrl"" value to
"" and this setting is carrying out to the add-in
along with interval and keeps the credentials and we do not want to maintain the credentials in
Siebel Add-In and i tried to revert back the Url in Enterprise --> Parameters but shows an
Error: "SBL-ADM-05006 No Parameter value for parameter number(null) in target
object even though pTarget--> m_numParams = (null)
Message 1
For the benefit of other readers,Customer was receiving the error message below when trying to remove a value from a Siebel Enterprise parameter:
“SBL-ADM-05006: No parameter value for parameter number %1 in target object even though pTarget->m_numParams = %2”
Above error message was reproduced by Siebel Technical Support. Error message SBL-ADM-05006 occurs when trying to set a parameter with an empty or blank value. In order to blank or empty a parameter, Delete Parameter Override option should be used. In order to use this option, navigate to Site Map > Administration – Server Configuration > Enterprises > Parameters > select “Messaging Client AddIn EAI Url” parameter > click Menu button in Enterprise Parameters applet > select “Delete Parameter Override” option. This operation should remove the value from parameter. Check document Siebel System Administration Guide for version 7.8, chapter 6: Configuring Siebel Servers, section Advanced Configuration Tasks, under Deleting System Parameter Overrides to find more information.
Change Request 12-1LMFABL has been logged to provide more accurate error message when trying to blank or empty a parameter when not using delete parameter override command.
Thank you,
Siebel Technical Support
Applies to:
Siebel CRM - Version: SIA [20423] - Release: V8Information in this document applies to any platform.
The AdminRoleName parameter cannot be set via the command line as follows:
srvrmgr> change param AdminRoleName="ING Limited Administrator" for comp ServerMgr
When trying to set this parameter at server level, the following error is encountered:
change param AdminRoleName="ING Limited Administrator" for comp ServerMgr
SBL-ADM-60070: Error reported on server 'Gateway Server' follows:
SBL-ADM-05012: Could not change value of parameter AdminRoleName to ING Limited Administrator
SBL-SCC-00029: Setting parameter "AdminRoleName" on level "Component" is not supported.
SBL-ADM-05012: Could not change value of parameter AdminRoleName to ING LimitedAdministrator
SBL-SCC-00029: Setting parameter "AdminRoleName" on level "Component" is not supported.
Additionally it was found that it was not possable to update the parameter directly in the Administration Server Management as the parameter was grayed-out
The behavior has been replicated and as such, the following Bug has been logged:
Bug 12-1U08DIB (AdminRoleName parameter cannot be changed)
The behavior has been logged as Bug 12-1U08DIB (AdminRoleName parameter cannot be changed). There is currently no workaround for setting the AdminRoleName parameter.
The fix for this behavior is currently targeted for Siebel version
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