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SBL-ADM-05002: The specified component definition, %1, could not be found.

Applies to:

Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)
Version: [16172] NLD Fin Svcs
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP 4
Database Server OS: Redhat Linux Advanced Server 2.1

This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1264733251.




This morning our SADMIN brought the objmgr offline, and directly after shut down the objmgr. This caused all object managers to be disabled, and no restart is possible neither from the GUI, nor from the srvrmgr command line. The Siebel server service cannot be stopped and restarted from the Windows services console. We can stop and start the service from the srvrmgr command line, but this does not cause the objmgrs to come online.

Please help us find a solution for this issue.




Message 1

For the benefit of other readers:

When disabling a component at server level through the GUI
by clicking "offline" in the Server Administration
it is currently NOT possible to enable this component again in the GUI.

You will need to run a srvrmgr command:

Enable component definition <component name> for server <siebelserver name>

Please not that the command is
enable component DEFINITION
not just
enable component

This is not very logical, however the
"enable component DEFINITON" command is sent to the gateway server, where it has the desired effect of enabling the component again

The "enable component" command would be sent to the Siebel Server / component. As the component is not currently online once the disabling has been performed (it has no registered connect string), therefore this command has no effect at all.

Change request 12-MF35M4:
"Please provide consistent enabling / disabling of components through GUI and srvrmgr"
has been logged to have more consistent srvrmgr commands and to allow enabling previously disabled components through the GUI

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