Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: 7.7.2 [18325] Life Sci
Database: IBM DB2/UDB 8.1 FixPack 1S
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
Database Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1669327051.
HiIs it possible to change an objectmanager parameter at the Componenet Definition level using srvrmgr command. NOTE I do not want to change it at server level I want to change it globally for all servers, same as changing a paramenter in Server Configuration -> Enterprise -> Component Definition.
Message 1
For the benefit of other readers:The srvrmgr command to change component definition parameters is:
change parameter parameter_alias_name1=value1, parameter_alias_name2=value2 for
compdef component_definition_name
(Bookshelf 7.7, Siebel System Administration Guide, Using the Siebel Server Manager Command-Line Interface, Siebel Server Manager Commands)
However it turned out that there is a product defect that prevents setting more than one parameter at a time. (This was reproduced on Siebel 7.7.1 SIA)
Specifying multiple parameters, like in
change parameters ActuateServerEnabled=True, ActuateProtocolName=HTTP for compdef sccobjmgr_kor
results in the following error message:
SBL-ADM-00005: Internal error, please contact Siebel customer support
However changing multiple parameters for a (running) COMPONENT on a specific Siebel Server with "for comp" instead of "for compdef" works:
change parameter ActuateServerEnabled=True, ActuateProtocolName=HTTP for comp sccobjmgr_kor
Change request 12-RQNS9Z
"srvrmgr: changing multiple parameters for component definition results in SBL-ADM-00005" was logged to address this.
Until this is fixed, the only workaround to change component definition parameters is to use one command per parameter.
Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: [15252]
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP 2
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 8
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-1002618351.
SBL-SCM-00008, SBL-ADM-02071, SBL-ADM-00005, SBL-ADM-02049, SBL-ADM-02048We found the following error:
At the 5.5.03 RepAgent was in the status "Running" but the
replication was not working.
We have the following environment:
3 Siebel Server (
istk0t4r, istk0t5r and istk0t8r)
Enterprise Server: Tosh_top_ist
The Siebel Server istk0t4r
and istk0t5r are for the Call Center Object Manager
The Siebel Server istk0t8r is for the
Replication Manager
The Gateway is installed on the same Server like the istk0t4r.
morning at 7:12 AM the istk0t4r will be restarted.
Every morning at 7:42 AM the istk0t5r will
be restarted.
Because of CTI issues with the Aspect Adapter.
istk0t4r and istk0t5r are in
one Cluster and istk0t8r in another Cluster.
I found the following entries in the log
In the srvrmgr_03.log (see attached
GenericLog GenericError 1 2003-05-05
07:21:40 (sasess.cpp 9(365) err=902071 sys=0) ADM-02071: Enterprise server
Tosh_top_ist not found in gateway server
Exception 0xc0000005 at
Thread: 0x00002af0, Process 0x00002aac
0x00257136, EFL: 0x00210246, FS: 0x00000038, GS: 0x00000000
CS: 0x0000001b, DS:
0x00000023, SS: 0x00000023, ES: 0x00000023
EAX: 0x00000000, EBX: 0x00000000, ECX:
0x00000000, EDX: 0x000000ca
ESI: 0x00b7e658, EDI: 0x00000000, EBP: 0x0012e4a0, ESP:
sslcshar +0x27136 =
In the RepAgent_36868.log ( last modified 5.5.03 12:31 PM) (see
attached files)
Exception 0xc0000005 at 0x0181a879
Thread: 0x000022f4,
Process 0x000024cc
EIP: 0x0181a879, EFL: 0x00010a03, FS:
0x00000038, GS: 0x00000000
!! The status for the RepAgent remains
Do you have an idea what was happen at the 5.5.03?
After the restart of the
RepAgent, the replication is working fine.
We using BMC Patrol, but we havn't got an
How could we monitor this error, because the problem was found 12 Hours later by the
Siebel Users?
Thanks for your help
Message 1
I added the <enterprise>.<server>.log file. I also asked the Administrator to check the Windows Events.Thanks
Message 2
The stack dump error reported was occurring in the Server Manager component. This was found to be caused by Change Request #12-DKWOF7 which had been raised to address this product defect. It was occurring due to the "refresh enterprise" commands that are issued by the BMC Patrol software. This has been fixed in the MR.The following test can be done to confirm whether this issue has been encountered:
1. Start the Siebel Gateway server and the Siebel Servers
2. Start srvrmgr using the following command srvrmgr /g <gateway> /e <enterprise> /s <server> /u <userid> /p <password>
3. Stop the Siebel Gateway server but leave the Siebel Servers running (note: the dependency between the Gateway and Siebel Servers will need to be removed from the Siebel Server registry settings)
4. From the srvrmgr command prompt run the following command "refresh enterprise" twice
In versions prior to the above test resulted in the stack dump below. Once was applied the stack dump no longer occurred.
Exception 0xc0000005 at 0x00257136
Thread: 0x00006938, Process 0x000068c8
EIP: 0x00257136, EFL: 0x00210246, FS: 0x00000038, GS: 0x00000000
CS: 0x0000001b, DS: 0x00000023, SS: 0x00000023, ES: 0x00000023
EAX: 0x00000000, EBX: 0x00000000, ECX: 0x00000000, EDX: 0x000000ca
ESI: 0x00b7e658, EDI: 0x00000000, EBP: 0x0012e4a0, ESP: 0x0012e4a0
Message 3
- CALL STACK -sslcshar +0x27136 = SSstrlen16() +0x6
sslcshar +0x27f1e = SSstrdup() +0xe
srvrmgr +0x20c9 = saClntCmdLine::RefreshConn() +0x39
srvrmgr +0x3e21 = wmain() +0xe61
srvrmgr +0x37f2 = wmain() +0x832
srvrmgr +0x14113 = wmainCRTStartup() +0xe3
KERNEL32 +0x1ca90
Keywords: BMC Patrol refresh enterprise
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