Applies to:
Siebel Campaigns - Version: 7.7.2 [18325] to 8.0 [20405] - Release: V7 to V8z*OBSOLETE: Microsoft Windows Server 2003
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3345285931.
The following error is observed when launching the Import process (button "Launch Import" on List Mgmt Import View) :This error does not occur if the user logged in is SADMIN, but it does occur for an user logged in that is not SADMIN
Here is a sample scenario of the issue:
2. Navigate to List Management->Lists
3. Create New Record with following values
List Name:OriginalTest
Data Type:Tab Delimited
File Name:TabList_3per
4. Drilldown on list name
5. Go to List Import tab
6. Map fields, set Matching Approach to No Matching
7. Save settings by clicking Save button
8. Click "Launch Import" button. List Import Status Message became "Submitted Import Request".
9. On List Management->System task we see folowing:
Start Time : 05/08/2007 06:05:08
Importing list 'OriginalTest'.
You cannot currently update this record. Please check the No Update properties on the Applet, Business Component, and Link.(SBL-DAT-00284)
You cannot currently update this record. Please check the No Update properties on the Applet, Business Component, and Link.(SBL-DAT-00284)
Repeating the same procedure with user SADMIN results in a successful execution of the import without the observed error. That is, the behavior only occurs for non-SADMIN users.
Oracle Technical Support reproduced the reported problem and determined that it is a defect in the application. The following change request was logged: Bug 12-19CTFX5 "List Import Fails For Non-SADMIN User".Solution
This issue has been resolved in the following fixpacks. Please note the configuration changes at the end of this note which is required to avail of the fix: Fixpack Fixpack
8.0 Base release
Note: There may be quickfixes available on earlier releases of 7.7.2.x and 7.8.2.x codelines. Please contact Oracle Technical Support if you are on an earlier FP than the ones in which the issue is resolved and request information if there is a quickfix for your build.
Repository Changes Needed To Avail of The Fix:
The fix for this issue is to add a User Property to the Business Component 'List Mgmt Lists'.
1. In Siebel Tools Query for the Business Component 'List Mgmt Lists'.
2. Now open the Business Component element in the Object Explorer and select the Business Component user property.
3.On the lower applet create a New Record with the following values:
Name: SLM Disable Update/Delete Check
Value: True
4. Save the record.
5. Compile the change into your SRF file.
Applies to:
Error Message Area:Data Manager - DATVersion:Siebel 7.7
This document is intended to provide cause and corrective action information about Siebel Error Message SBL-DAT-00284: You cannot currently update this record. Please check the No Update properties on the Applet, Business Component, and Link.
This document is informational and intended for any user.
SBL-DAT-00284: You cannot currently update this record. Please check the No Update properties on the Applet, Business Component, and Link.
The SBL-DAT-00284 error may occur when:1) Executing a script that includes calls to the SetFieldValue and WriteRecord methods against a business component or applet that is based on a specialized class.
2) Drilling down on records especially when the target record is read-only due to the status.
3) Modifying records whose underlying business component has No Update property set to TRUE or defines one of the following business component user properties; BC Read Only Field, Field Read Only Field : fieldname, Parent Read Only Field.
4) Associating a record via a pick applet when the underlying business component is set to read-only.
5) Calling modified industry-specific functionality, especially Field Service business engines, for example:
- Fulfillment Engine (Fulfill Command in the Orders > Line Items), when status field updates trigger workflow that simultaneously update the same field.
- Replenishment Engine (Orders button in Inventory > Generate Orders), if the Cache Data property is set to TRUE for the underlying business component.
Corrective Action
1) Test the behavior against a standard business component; not a modified business component. If the error does not occur against the standard business component, review the customizations made.For information specific to Orders and Quotes business components, refer to FAQ 1956 on Siebel SupportWeb. In addition, when scripting event handlers based on these business components be careful that the correct business objects are instantiated.
Change Request 12-HIONFT has been logged to address the product defect where scripts no longer functioned in Siebel 7.5.3. The following alternative configuration resolved this matter:
- For parent business component, for example Order Entry – Orders, use the PreWriteRecord event handler to ensure that if the Order is being deactivated - that is [Active] = 'N' - then no SetFieldValue calls are made in order to prevent the record from becoming read-only.
- For the child business component, for example Quote Item, use the ChangeRecord event handler to ensure that if context is lost in this event, no SetFieldValue calls are made.
2) Verify that business component user properties are not setting the target record to read-only. For more information, refer to Siebel Bookshelf version 7.7 > Configuring Siebel eBusiness Applications > Configuring Business Components > Configuring Data-Driven Read-Only Behavior. For more information on user properties, refer to Siebel Bookshelf version 7.7 > Siebel Developer's Reference.
Verify that the Status Field property of the business component is not being updated, New indicator, when the target record is read-only. For more information, refer to Siebel Bookshelf version 7.7 > Object Types Reference > Siebel Object Types > Business Component and locate the Status Field. This may occur when imported records from EIM have the ROW_STATUS table column populated with 'Y' (where Status Field property is set to Row Status).
For more information on the New indicator functionality, refer to FAQ 1027 on Siebel SupportWeb.
Change Request 12-I5Q53H has been logged to address the product defect in Siebel version 7.5.3 related to drilling down on read-only records based on the New indicator. Note: not applicable to Siebel version 7.7.
3) Verify that none of the user properties listed in above corrective action 2) refer to a field that will set it to read-only. In addition, verify that the No Update property is not set to TRUE for any corresponding applets, business components, multi-value links, links or pick lists.
4) Verify that none of the user properties listed in above corrective action 2) refer to a multi-value field that will set it to read-only, for example when associating an Account to an Activity when the underlying address field is set to read-only.
Change Request 12-IJ5C4I has been logged to address the product defect related to associating records whose parent is read-only. This has been fixed in Maintenance Release and is not applicable to Siebel version 7.7.
5) Specialized applet and business component classes often set fields or rows to read-only based on hard-coded rules in the corresponding C++ modules. To resolve this, the corresponding applet or business component should be cloned and based on a standard class.
Applies to:
Product Release: V7 (Enterprise)Version: [19221] Life Sci
Database: Oracle
Application Server OS: Microsoft Windows 2003 Server SP1
Database Server OS: Sun Solaris 10
This document was previously published as Siebel SR 38-3255778031.
SBL-DAT-00284When a Contact Call is submitted, an error is thrown:
- - -
You cannot currently update
this record. Please check the No Update properties on the Applet, Business Component, and
- - -
This doesn't happen for some users.
Login as SPORTER. Create a Contact "Grace Tao".
2. Create a Contact call for Grace Tao. Create
call products detailed record for this contact call.
3. Submit the call. The status becomes
"Submitted" and an error is thrown. "You cannot currently update this record. Please check the No
Update properties on the Applet, Business Component, and Link.(SBL-DAT-00284)"
1. Login as
2. Create a contact call for Grace Tao. Create call products
detailed record for this contact call.
3. Submit the call. The status becomes "Submitted" and
no error is thrown.
I checked the No Insert, No Update properties in the BC, Applet and
the link. It is set to FALSE in all these places. I have attached the sif of Applets and BCs for
your reference.
Message 1
For the benefit of other readers:# Issue:
When a Contact Call is submitted, an error is thrown:
- - -
You cannot currently update this record. Please check the No Update properties on the Applet, Business Component, and Link.(SBL-DAT-00284)
- - -
This doesn't happen for some users.
# Solution:
In the LOG file it was found the following a few lines before the error SBL-DAT-00284:
- - -
SSCACMBC +0x11bdd = CSSBCBase::SqlExecute() +0x97d
sscfom +0x2d16d = CSSBusComp::Execute() +0x63d
sscfom +0x39b11 = CSSBusComp::InitMvgPosition() +0xf1
sscfom +0x37875 = CSSBusComp::GetMvgBusComp() +0x5d5
sscaspbc +0x4258 = CSSBCPharmaCall::UpdateCallDate() +0x478
- - -
> "UpdateCallDate()" showed that the system tried to update the Last Call Date just before the error
In standard Siebel Pharma application when a Contact Call is submitted the Last Call Date field for the contact is effectively updated. This behavior is documented in the Bookshelf (Siebel Life Sciences Guide > Recording Calls in Pharma > About the Submit Button).
The field involved is the MVF 'Position Last Call Date' in BC 'Contact'. This MVF is mapped to field 'Pharma Last Professional Call Date' in BC 'Position' via the MVL 'Position'.
Message 2
[...]In the customer environment a Parent Read Only Field user property was configured on BC 'Position'. This caused the BC to be read-only for some users.
The issue was resolved once this user property was inactivated.
Silvere Torre
Oracle Technical Support
Applies to:
Siebel Tools - Version: SIA [20423]Information in this document applies to any platform.
In SIA, while defining a record Read Only based on a field value, and in the same time this field to trigger some other field update, the application errors out.Steps to reproduce:
1) Created a new calculated field:
Name= test
Calculated Value = IIf([Sales Stage]='05 - Approved','Y','N')
2) New BC User Property on Opportunity BC:
Name = BC Read Only Field
Value = test
3) Modified an existing BC user property:
Name = On Field Update Set 18
Value = "Sales Stage", "Status", "Lost"
This is just an example to illustrate a test when same field triggers update on another field, in this case Sale Stage triggers update on Status field and in the same time the value of Sale Stage determines the record to become read only.
This configuration fails in standard. When Sale Stage is set to '05 - Approved' following error messages appear:
[1] Wrong field values or value types detected in field Sales Stage. Please re-enter your field values. If you need additional assistance, please refer to the documentation.(SBL-UIF-00299)
[2] You cannot currently update this record. Please check the No Update properties on the Applet, Business Component, and Link.(SBL-DAT-00284)
This is intended behavior. It is not recommended to define a record Read Only based on a field’s value, and at the same time the field triggers some other field update, because the "BC Read Only Field" user property is the first to be executed.In the scenario mentioned above, BC user property "BC Read Only Field" is executed prior to BC user property "On Field Update Set 18". Hence the errors where field cannot be updated.
If this configuration is to be kept, please make sure that on the "On Field Update Set" user property, put a condition for the field to be different than the value that makes record Read Only.References
NOTE:475587.1 - How Should Client Side Logging Be Set?SBL-UIF-00299
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